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Am I the only one who does this? by Mazzy 14 years ago

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I've never usid a clipboard or tape in my life - when I started, I sat down and tied a knot round my big to, then carried on with the bracelet using my foot as an anchor. Nowadays I hold the bracelet betwen two fingers on one hand, like a vice, and work the bracelet with the rest of my fingers and free hand. It took a bit of practice, but means I dont need to carry any old clunky clipboard or waste tape. Anyone else ever done either of these techniques? They're so much easier. :)

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Unbelieber 14 years ago

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I tried around my toe but didn't really like it. I just use a mini clipboard. I don't get how you mean with your hands

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Foz 14 years ago

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the clipboard gets in my way of slouching ;-) also, I don't like carrying that around with me. I just pin the bracelet to my jeans :-)

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Huntress 14 years ago

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I could never use tape when I started out. I have always used a safety pin or my toes. Now I use a safety pin and a pillow. If I'm with my husband when he is playing cards I use my carry all bag aka purse as an anchor. I basically use what ever I can get my hands on when I'm working. But that's just me. ;)

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by denny 14 years ago

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I have like a little wooden box that I can open so I anchor there and I put over it 2 big books

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by dotyrose 14 years ago

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ive never used tape or anything, i just hold it btwn my fingers like you said. its actually harder for me to "anchor" it cuz i didn't learn that way i guess. also ive nvr meet nebody else who does this! hello!

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Lusl 14 years ago

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I admire you, but I love to use safety pin :) Actually, I'm collecting them and I always use it when I'm making a bracelet.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Mehoo 14 years ago

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I used to do the toe version, but there is no way I could learn to do it the other way, ha ha...

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by seahorse130 14 years ago

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I have a piece of cardboard that I use. It has about 22 slits in the bottom for all the individual strings and one big slit on top for the beginning knot. If the bracelet is small enough, I pin it to my jeans. I should try the toe version, though. That sounds very interesting.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by pixsydust 14 years ago

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I always use a safety pin to pin the bracelet to my pants, sock or even a pillow. It's how I started making bracelets when I was a kid and it always works for me.


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