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RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Acid 13 years ago

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When i first started i had a hook in my desk and i used to hang it in front of me and sit down to do them (I was 12 at his point). I've tried various methods over the years, the toe i used to do the toe method but When i had to have knee surgery this wasn't an option.

I've tried sticky tape and hated it, a brass ornament to hold the bracelet down (all great unless i tugged really tight) but for me i found the best thing was simply a hard back book and a bull dog clip. It means i can sit down and do them anywhere.

I only tend to used the safety pin method if I'm out and about say on a bus or round a friends place but I find it harder to use that method with the more bigger and complex patterns.
I also find with the bulldog clip it makes it easier to keep the first crucial knots straight thus it looks tidier :)

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Scout 13 years ago

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What I do tends to differ depending on the situation. I'll usually have a pin through my pattern and just use it on my jeans, or sometimes loop it in a binder, should I be at school. However, when I'm at home, I have a thread box that I'll close the end in.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Bic1412 13 years ago

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I have my fishing tackle box that i keep all my threads in.. and the lid actually pops off.,.. and i use bulldog clips to hold the bracelet in place.. then when i pack up i put the lid back on (sometimes leaving the bulldog clip and bracelet inplace) and off i go!

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Mazzy 13 years ago

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dotyrose - YAAY I always thought I was the only one who did it with my hands - good to know I'm not alone! n_n

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by bazonkerz 13 years ago

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Yes I've used my toe on many occasions! And the plastic box i keep my string in works well too.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by foshisle 13 years ago

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i use a mini clipboard; its easier to take to school and do it on the bus, during advisory etc. i started out like seahorse130 did, with the card board, but i like clip board much better cus the card board gets all worn out. as for the tape, ive never done that

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by foshisle 13 years ago

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will have to try pillow though.......

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Gracie04 13 years ago

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I use anything... OH and foshizle I make mini clipboard out of coasters and do that sometimes... I ussually JUST use a clip board.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by ruserious 13 years ago

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nahhh i use a clipboard lol

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by foshisle 13 years ago

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@ gracie 04- how would u do that??? where do u get the cilp??? i would like to try it...


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