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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by go_blue16 13 years ago

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The tags! I mean, there should be someone moderating what keywords people put in for a pattern.

And bad quality pics that are either too small, dark, or blurry. I mean I don't expect everyone to have professional Kodak cameras and all, but at least make sure we can SEE the bracelet.

And when people include themselves in the picture of the bracelet. Your WRIST is about the most we are supposed to see.

I mean, you're supposed to upload pictures of THE BRACELET, not of YOU.

This pic really infuriates me:

I mean like really? And take a look at the comments!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Kaisui_Izumi 13 years ago

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&looked the picture up* Yikes. I can see why people complain about that.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

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yes i agree ,. *shakes her head* i dun wanna see some unknown random dudes stomach/nipples

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Foz 13 years ago

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I'm annoyed that people are generating patterns and POSTING those patterns even though they're total rubbish. so many new patterns are either copies of existing patterns that have only been minutely changed or just modified to look worse. and then some moron posts a "omg it's soooo kul" comment. aaaaaargh!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Hawkeye 13 years ago

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They blocked the photo... but from what you guys are saying, I dont think I wanted to see it.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Foz 13 years ago

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I wish it were blocked! it's still there, and the dude still has no shirt on... though I just can't figure out why...

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Hawkeye 13 years ago

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my computer doesnt let me see it (good!)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by softballplayer6 13 years ago

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I looked at it *rolled eyes* How crazy! That picture & the comments are really stupid.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by go_blue16 13 years ago

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And I agree with what Foz was saying.

I hate how people regenerate a whole pattern just so they can change the colors! They don't realize they can substitute the colors. Really.

And what's up with all the name 1212 patterns? I mean really. They removed the name alpha patterns but I think they're being replaced by normal letter 1212 patterns.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Huntress 13 years ago

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In the land of confusion I see many comment posts asking what the next step is on a small 8 line pattern. It bothers me because when people help those in need that those people still don't understand. I just tell them that the colors change spots and to repeat with what is there. Yet, still most don't bother to read the post I suggested to them.

P.S.- I do agree with everyone about the shirtless guy how nasty I so wish he didn't do that.


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