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Alphabet Patterns by sound_techie 15 years ago

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Whenever i do alphabet patterns (like from Heather's site), I use a TON of string. and i have to add on a new string or two halfway though.
is there any way to just use the whole skein without cutting a length of it? i tried, but it's hard to hold and inconvenient.

RE: Alphabet Patterns by Tokio 15 years ago

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If you knot backwards with the shorter string and pull on the skein, the skein color should be the knot color. I don't know how to explain better. Sorry D:

RE: Alphabet Patterns by Cathelijn 15 years ago

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When I'm making a alphabet pattern, I just use the whole string (about 8 m). I just fold the string and start to knot.
You can also wrap your string around a thing you use with cross stitch. I don't know it's name. But I use that to and it works great.

RE: Alphabet Patterns by emm97 15 years ago

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the thing that Cathelijn is talking about is called a bobbin. You will probably find one in the same aisle as the embroidery floss

RE: Alphabet Patterns by beerittany 14 years ago

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ok, i so want to know how to make letters. the other day my friend wanted me to spell her name but i told her i did not know how.


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