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What type of string is best? by LedChelsea 15 years ago

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I've been using Aunt Lydia's classic crochet thread, which is kind of like colored kite string, and it's been working fine for me. But I've notice that most people on this site are using embroidery floss, which I'd have to go to Hobby Lobby for, since my Wal-Mart doesn't carry it. Is embroidery floss that much better? Does somebody have a suggesstion about which materials to use? What do you like?

RE: What type of string is best? by dottie233 14 years ago

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The kind that i use (mouline special DMC 25) is great it isn't itchy, its smooth it work and looks really well once the bracelet is done! They are sold at michaels - really cheap u can get like 12 for 5 bucks!!! its worth much more than the price!!!! So check it out!

RE: What type of string is best? by nailgun529 14 years ago

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I also use DMC embroidery floss. It is pretty cheap, comes in a ton of colours, and looks pretty clean cut when the bracelet's finished. The only problem with it is the fact that it can unravel somewhat if you're too rough or make a mistake and have to untie the knot-- but otherwise completely worth it.

RE: What type of string is best? by Rissa 14 years ago

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I prefer using embroidery floss. The reason is that I got a lot of leftovers from my mom years ago so that I didn't need to buy any more for years.
The only colors that I'm always short of are black and white.
So I just mix my embroidery floss with black and white crochet thread.

RE: What type of string is best? by K8e92 14 years ago

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i use embroidery floss also but i saw some DMC crochet thread at Hancock Fabrics (but i think any local fabric store or craft store should have it) that looks pretty mmuch the same but with less color choices. there are 2 different types of embroidery floss that i've found too and the really stringy one almost always looks better. (the other kind looks braided and doesnt knot as smoothly)

RE: What type of string is best? by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

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dmc or prisim floss i get mine at joann fabricsthey have hundredsof colors and they are 30 cents a skien or u can get a value pack

RE: What type of string is best? by Stefan 14 years ago

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Take a look at my tutorial, it contains some images of the above mentioned string types.

RE: What type of string is best? by CoHa 14 years ago

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On my homepage I made a page with different types of yarn, I'll post it here too:

pearl cotton No. 5 from Anchor and DMC

pearl cotton No. 3 from Anchor and DMC

multicolor pearl cotton No. 5 from Anchor and DMC

pearl cotton metallic from Anchor

stranded cotton from Anchor and DMC

Anchor Ariste (Metallic yarn)


RE: What type of string is best? by Acid 14 years ago

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I think it depends what your happier using to be honest. I prefer the floss because it is what i am used to, i find i struggle with thicker threads like wool etc

RE: What type of string is best? by DamnYankee 14 years ago

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I use embroidery floss too but I've just recently gone to craft frays less.


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