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RE: What type of string is best? by Joy 14 years ago

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i just started to use crochet yarn i likeit much better then floss. but thats just my own opinion. everyone has different tastes of thread to use.

RE: What type of string is best? by undrground 14 years ago

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I used the Egyptian cotton. Manufacture Gamma LTD. Taiwan. ^_^

RE: What type of string is best? by FireRose_Alto16 14 years ago

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Embroidery floss is great (I get it from Michaels for really cheap), but yarn can be too. Yarn makes the bracelet wider so you don't end up with a really thin bracelet when using 6 threads. It really depends on your preference and style, and also how you want your bracelet to look. Also, to keet it from fraying, I just tie a tiny knot at the end of each thread, and so far it works great. Good luck!

RE: What type of string is best? by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

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I've been using embroidery floss (36 skeins for $3.99 at Michael's or 105 skeins for $14.99 at Michaels or 35 cents each skein at Michael's).

But, I recently bought some craft thread, which is used for the "kits" that little kids buy to make friendship bracelets, and I find that string much easier to use. If you want to buy each skein seperately, it will cost $1.49 per skein at Michael's, but it comes with about 3.5-4.5 more yards than embroidery floss. If you want to buy it in packages, it's the same price as embroidery floss.

But, really, it comes down to what you like. I would buy a couple skeins of embroidery floss, or craft thread, or whatever you like, and try it out with 1 or 2 bracelets, then decide what you like better.

RE: What type of string is best? by Cazza 14 years ago

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when i was new to bracelet making, i bought DMC embroidery floss from joanns. the only problem is, i live in scotland, and i can only buy it when i go to America on holiday ! i wish i could get it here, but it is not sold here.

RE: What type of string is best? by shortone55 13 years ago

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I like to use size 8 Perle crochet cotton. I find the colors more vibrant and it doesn't fray or come off your wrist as much.

RE: What type of string is best? by shortone55 13 years ago

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@Cazza: you can probably buy it online somewhere.
Joann's has a website.

RE: What type of string is best? by Laretta 13 years ago

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Usually Anchor embroidery floss but for designing new patterns I use a much cheaper brand (Puppets) which has a lot less colours ant not fadeless (the DMC and Anchor brands have almost 430 colors)


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