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links by fieldhockey24 14 years ago

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ok so on the link cite there are some awesome cites u guys posted. I was looking at one but its in another language...and their pattern making is different. Does anyone know how to read these patterns???:

RE: links by moushtie 14 years ago

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ok. hopefully all the patterns on their site work the same way.

You look at the top of the pattern to see which colour strands you need, and how many. Then the pattern is made up of coloured circles.. which show you which colour knot should appear on each row. in each of these circle is a line either \, /, < or >.

\ is forward, / is backward.. and < and > are the backward forward types of knots.

I hope that's enough to get you started.

RE: links by fieldhockey24 14 years ago

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yeah! thanks so much this helps a lot!!!

RE: links by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

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also the X ones are any type of knot cuz they are both the same color..

RE: links by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

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and i used Google translate to make it english...


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