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RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by kleinevos 3 years ago

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O, no! I hope everything goes well for you!

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 3 years ago

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I hope everything will be ok. Take care.

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by Celicia 3 years ago

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Hello how are you? I wanted to tell you that the surgery went well, I'm already home but I have to do rehab for a while. I will enter the site whenever I can but for at least a couple of weeks it will not be as often as before. To the best of my ability I will collaborate as much as I can. If all goes well, I'll be a little away for a short time. See you soon!

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by kleinevos 3 years ago

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I’m glad all went well! Take care of yourself, that’s the most important thing :-)

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 3 years ago

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I'm glad you're okay. Take the time you need to get healthy and get well soon;-)

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by fb101 3 years ago

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I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well Celicia. I wish you the best for the rehabilitation. Take care!

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by Celicia 3 years ago

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Thank you all!!! I am progressing little by little, but for now everything is going well. :-)

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by kleinevos 3 years ago

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That’s good to hear :-)

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by AZClaire 2 years ago

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Hi, I changed job last year and my workload keeps increasing.
So I wanted to apologize for not being very active as a moderator.

RE : Keeping Up with the Moderators by Celicia 6 months ago

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I tell you that tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, I will enter the Hospital since I will have surgery on Wednesday. It is a major surgery so I will be hospitalized for three or four days. I won't be very active for a few days, but depending on how I feel and progress I will try to log in at some point.

See you soon!


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