
was donated
RE: Users who copy patterns II by FatnSassy 11 years ago

Leahrr submitted a copy of #43836. I've rejected #71520 .

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

KZnimble copied #68223. I've rejected #71540.

Kratos0226 posted a copy of #37436 with two knots different. I've rejected #71556

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

hannahchebs copied A50307 (A55140) and A50309 (A55141).

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Schokoko copied #5749. I've rejected #71584

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

KaterinaM posted a copy of #48362. I've rejected #71590.

patina4 posted a super mario pattern with four symbols, three of which exist individually -- the star (A19491), the flower (A34432), and the mushroom (A43039). the fourth (a goomba) is a bit different to the ones we have, but only just. I've rejected A55167

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

PatriciaM copied #8345. I've rejected #71596.

Dolly caught this one: Pina1234 copied #31991 without the border. #71612 is now rejected.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Kestrel 11 years ago

PatriciaM copied #23576. Rejecting #71618

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

that's the sixth pattern PatriciaM has copied, if I counted correctly. I'll send her a pm and tell her to stop this shit.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

maehoosadie posted #71068 with different background colours. I've rejected #71625

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

poteryashka posted a copy of #31070. I've rejected #71634


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