
was donated
RE: Users who copy patterns II by Kestrel 11 years ago

asmajb copied pattern #19753. Rejecting #70380.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Kestrel 11 years ago

OZarA submitted a backwards version of #47926. Rejecting #70391

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

neese caught this one: #70224 is a copy of Viscum's #30573

RE: Users who copy patterns II by neese80 11 years ago

Actually, a user submitting similarities caught that technically LOL. :-)

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Arismende caught this one: camicandy copied #70326. #70511 is now rejected.

Ile16 copied #7581. #70565 is now rejected.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

six months later I finally got a reply from Meagmeag12345 for all those patterns she stole, among them #28 with exactly the same colours, just repeating:

"well srry i thought those were my own patterns i dont have time to go through all of the patterns on the site"

I don't really know what to say to that... but at least she's stopped posting copies.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Ziggy posted a copy of #41421. I've rejected #70570

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Xeinnex posted a copy of #69001, even with more or less the same colours :-/ I've rejected #70573

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

LubyLou copied the owl from A30543. I've rejected A54610

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Kestrel 11 years ago

Eric caught this one - Sombre copied a pattern from Erich Friedman's site, #109 from Eric's site, and pattern #3214 from here. Rejecting #70599


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