
was donated
RE: Users who copy patterns II by Arismende 11 years ago

No it's fine - I just thought that the rejected one was indeed more a braid than a typical weave pattern - but you're right that it was messy at the same time and I'm also not in the mood to fix it in the moment :)

RE: Users who copy patterns II by neese80 11 years ago

michaelj232 posted a copy of 50229. I've rejected 70057

RE: Users who copy patterns II by neese80 11 years ago

caxap posted 2 copies of ViscumAlbum's 6960. I've rejected 70048 and 70049.

I'm personally ready for a temp ban at the very least for this user at this point.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Arismende 11 years ago

agreed neese!

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

VGVbraceletmkr copied #58156. I've rejected #70085

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Kestrel 11 years ago

SweetyBirdToo copied pattern #12293. Rejecting #70277. Thanks to Eric for pointing that one out.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

LBYR joined today, and posted a copy of #36579. I've rejected #70335

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

kim123 copied a pokemon pattern from my etsy store. I've transferred it to be, and rejected A54455

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

*to me, too.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

purplegoldfish caught this one: Sugarpelt copied the elephant family pattern A50604. A54459 is now rejected.


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