
was donated
RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

pomarina posted Nimue's pattern #51524 with different colours. I've rejected #71751

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Xb3ccab0ox7posted a copy of #58724. I've rejected #70822

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Dionotte made a report on this: caxap posted a copy of #53169 using the colours in Byelen's picture. I've rejected #70064

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Arismende 11 years ago

Lacy caught this one:
chinagal914 copied Foz's 68455. Rejecting 70825

RE: Users who copy patterns II by neese80 11 years ago

Eric caught this one...
LeslieSS posted a copy of #218. Rejected #70850

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Arismende 11 years ago

chinagal914 copied Foz's pattern #68455 again. I'll reject 70855 and send out a warning.

RE: Users who copy patterns II by neese80 11 years ago

Caught this thanks to someone submitting a similarity...
LoveBracelets92 posted a copy 3 days ago (the day she joined) of MissionGirl's 70272. Rejected 70786

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

pomarina posted #61970 with different colours. I've rejected #70904

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

Hutchinson1987 submitted a bad copy of #60450. I've rejected #71077

RE: Users who copy patterns II by Foz 11 years ago

msenra posted a copy of #8261 with a horrid background. I've rejected #71035


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