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The Chain Knotting Game! by Marjar 7 years ago

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Hi, knotters! This is The Chain Knotting Game!

Have you ever run out of color combo inspiration? Don't you know what pattern you should knot next? What if someone else gives you a great idea? :D

*This is a brand new knotting game in which everyone who is willing to knot can join. The procedure is very easy: Post a color palette and a PHOTOLESS pattern, it doesn't matter if it's brand new or if it's the oldest one, and knot the one that was posted above you!* The basic principle principle of the game is this one:

USER A posts pattern 1 + color scheme 1
USER B posts pattern 2 + color scheme 2 and knots USER A's suggestion
USER C posts pattern 3 + color scheme 3 and knots USER B's suggestion, and so on!

In that way, everyone knows that he or she has to knot the pattern that is above his or her post.

There are a few simple instructions and rules that we need to follow:

1.- Post a photoless pattern with an URL-link and a picture of a color palette from the following website:


PATTERN: #7546


2.- In order to avoid taking much time knotting one bracelet, any pattern you post needs to be up to 20 strings and photoless.You can post patterns from 8 to 20 strings.

3.- You can't suggest 2 patterns in a row. It is required that you only post one

4.- You mustn't post another pattern and color combo until you've finished and posted the one you were supposed to knot; otherwise, your post will be deleted.

5.- Use at least 3 of the colors from the palette (unless the pattern you have to knot has only 2 colors). The colors need not be super exact, but very close to the colour scheme that was posted.

6.- Upload the pic to the pattern so we see how it turned out! Feel free to message the user who posted the pattern and color combo you had to make so he or she sees how it turned out!

7.- Have much fun! :)

***** PRIZE! *****
The first 5 users who actually knot patterns, make 5 pattern suggestions and post a picture of each pattern knotted, get a bracelet as a prize!

To start with this endless loop, I'll post the first photoless pattern and a color palette:

PATTERN: #91890



RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Anyblia 7 years ago

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- comment to be notified -
So it is necessary to have the previous bracelet finished to post a new suggestion?

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Allison98 7 years ago

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*commenting to be notified as well* @Anyblia You just have to comment saying that you are knotting it. When you do that, you can post a new pattern and colours. We'll be making another forum thread for the links for pictures to be posted as well as to answer questions. :)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by kleinevos 7 years ago

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The thread for questions is here.
Please post all questions about this game there, from now on :-)
Have fun!

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by hannah_robyn24 7 years ago

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Knotting as we speak! I should have it done in a couple of hours :)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by hannah_robyn24 7 years ago

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So I guess I'm person B. I'm knotting the first pattern with that colour palette.

So for person C:

The next colour palette is :

The next pattern is: #72889

(ps am I doing this right? I'll post my finished bracelet on the other thread)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Anyblia 7 years ago

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I'll be person C! :D
I take your pattern, hannah_robyn!

The next palette will be:

With pattern #93736

Have fun! :D

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by hannah_robyn24 7 years ago

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Great to hear Anyblia, lets get this game going!

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by polin 7 years ago

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I'm person D and I'll knot Anyblia's pattern :)

The next color palette is:
And the next pattern #85553


RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Anyblia 7 years ago

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I feel like we all love Arismende's patterns xD It's already the 3rd one out of 4..


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