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RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Celicia 7 years ago

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Sorry, the new pattern is # 93178 because the other just habe a photo.

The color palette is :

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Arismende 7 years ago

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Here's a picture of the palette Celicia chose:

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Arismende 7 years ago

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I started knotting this one, Celicia, and I'm really curious how it will turn out, because I use silver for this very light shade of gray (and thanks for choosing my pattern :)

Here's the next pattern (24), which is actually the last contest pattern we had, because I'm still eager to see, how it will look like when knotted :)


the new palette:

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Marjar 7 years ago

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Beautiful pattern and palette! And that's my favorite three as well <3 It will look beautiful. Let's see who chooses it!

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by strings412 7 years ago

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I would love to join the game and do this pattern!

next pattern is #3466

and the colour palette

(I'm not sure if I did the BBCode right so apologies if it didn't work)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by kleinevos 7 years ago

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Could you name the number of the pallet so I can get the pic up for you?

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Arismende 7 years ago

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It seems to be this one :)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by kleinevos 7 years ago

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I'll take it, so the game can go on :-) I'll take that pallet then :-)
Pattern 26: #77239

Colorscheme: 2672

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by polin 7 years ago

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I'll do that pattern :)

So the next is #93299
And the color palette

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Sammoning 7 years ago

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Here is the link and palette for Polin's turn :)



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