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Printed Pattern sheets
I just wanted to ask, how do you guys keep your printed pattern sheets organized? I keep mine in a f
36 go_blue16 8965 13 years ago
by foshisle
Thread Collections: Show 'em off!
I'm interested in seeing everyone else's thread collection. It might give others some good idea's on
14 Carrie 4503 13 years ago
by Rachel_D
Question about knots.
So, at the bottom of the pattern, when it has the knot instructions, I know how to do the first two,
1 KilljoyTom 2335 13 years ago
by Acid
Pearl Cotton
Has anyone used DMC's Pearl Cotton skeins? They have them at Michaels and look like a large twist o
1 LoriH 4093 13 years ago
by Acid
another question
when you guys make this rather large bracelets, what happens if you run out of string, how do you gu
7 stargirl13 3139 13 years ago
by Hantho1235
Question about knots.
So, at the bottom of the pattern, when it has the knot instructions, I know how to do the first two,
2 KilljoyTom 2380 13 years ago
by Rachel_D
Multi Colored Image Patterns
I am trying to make Pokemon for my friends but I'm knew to this kind of braclet/keychain making and
3 BarbieDefect 3053 13 years ago
by BarbieDefect
Messing up on alpha bracelets
I mess up quite often while making alpha bracelets, and usually don't notice until I've made rows af
4 chibi_ragnarok 2935 13 years ago
by chibi_ragnarok
Can anyone help me make bracelets that can come on and off easily????
5 superstar 3250 13 years ago
by Killshotz
kwel thing I tryed on broken ladder! using inverse chevron instead or reg chevron.
i started in the center braided out. 8 strand total. i did three knots center and the regular two kn
1 SnakeChild 2252 13 years ago
by SnakeChild

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