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RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Selmas0ngs 13 years ago

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I use a binder clip and clip the bracelet to whatever is handy, pant leg, pillow, table etc. They are awesome because they come in many sizes so you can use a small one and it clips on your pants well or use a big one and clip to the edge of the table or whatever :]

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by seahorse130 13 years ago

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Okay, I JUST tried the pillow last night. I was skeptical that it would work, but it's a really great method. However, I'm going to continue using my pants because I can't bring a pillow to school without driving my teachers nuts... :D

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by kiraaxchaos 13 years ago

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The foot thing is kinda gross if your selling the bracelets in my opinion - I use a clipboard. I haven't tried the safty pin thing yet. Tape doesn't work for me either.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Mehoo 13 years ago

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@seahorse130: Very true, but that made me laugh...

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Sareana 13 years ago

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no sillys you dont let the bracelet touch the foot you use a extra string or a old ratty hair tie ,. and ancor between toe and bracelet :P ,.. i agree ,no wants toe crudgys on a bracelet hehehe

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by Mehoo 13 years ago

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Lol. Agreed.

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by soundguy19 13 years ago

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I'm pretty unusual, I think. I start by tying a loop at the top, [or tying a section for an adjustable bracelet between 2 overhand knots] and then I attach it to a C-clamp and attach that to my computer desk, or my clothes or something. i prefer that to pins, because sometimes i tie them hard enough to make holes in clothing. :p

RE: Am I the only one who does this? by egyptianpanda 13 years ago

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I hold it down in my fingers too.


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