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RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by sabilopod007 13 years ago

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it doenst let me save this new alpha pattern that i just created. a little window opens and it says that an error occured while saving and it tells me to tell you about it. and i dont know how to change the colours!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Hi, Stefan...I just tried the generator again with IE8, and although I can SEE the generator now, the color picker has issues. Like sometimes, when I clicked on some colors, the hex value didn't change from the #000000 and black would show on the grid. Then on other colors, the value would change, but the color would still show black. Then other times, I'd click a color, the value would change, but a totally different color would show on the grid. BUT some colors worked perfectly... Not a big deal for me, though, because I downloaded Google Chrome strictly for use with this site. The problem may not even be with the new generator/IE8 compatibility anyway; it's highly possible it could be me since I've been awake for 24 hours straight now! ;)

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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I had the same problems as fatnsassy did with the colors being messed up while using the generator in IE8. Lovemenot said there was a counter for rows and columns, but I just see the dimensions, not actual numbers on the rows and columns. I understand that you're still working on things, just checking if what I was thinking as numbers for the columns and rows was on the actual grid or just the dimension thing up by the buttons to add and subtract rows and columns.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Stefan 13 years ago

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Color picker should work in IE8 now!

The row number thingy could be implemented, but I can't promise it will be soon. Gotta fix Gen 3 too :) I'm just implementing the basic Generator now so I can make it public as soon as possible.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Stefan 13 years ago

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@friendship12396, no undo button implemented yet, sorry.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by foshisle 13 years ago

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Go Stefan!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Huntress 13 years ago

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This was way easier to use than the older version. I hope I can make many great hings from this alpha generator. :)

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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@friendship12396, you'd just have to pick the other color and do it over the color you don't want. I had to make squares the background color again since I accidentally put the design in the wrong place.

@Stefan, the row/column counter coming in the future is fine :) The colors are working in IE8 now. You are great for putting all this work into getting everything working!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by superc 13 years ago

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Thank you sooooo much I have been looking for something like this forever! :)

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by sabilopod007 13 years ago

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it doesnt let me save a pattern. again


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