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RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sneasel 13 years ago

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SURGFZSKBJDG I dont know what happened to the site, but RIGHT AFTER I get done clicking every square in a 26x61 pattern, I hit publish and it said "Could not post pattern. Please notify webmaster"

So frustrated. I'm probably just going to post most of my patterns on flickr and have a link to them in my profile

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sneasel 13 years ago

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Also, I got 403 errors for the next 10 minutes

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Cay 13 years ago

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I got the same thing. I took it as a sign to stop goofing off and to go work on my proposal for English. It's now completed and the site is back up... Magic!!! Glad I got my last pattern in before that started.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sneasel 13 years ago

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Well I'm sick, so I dont have much to work on besides note cards, and its a 3 day weekend. But it was really frustrating after clicking every square for the background color, and it wouldn't save

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by foshisle 13 years ago

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cant wait to use the generator!!!!!!!!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by foshisle 13 years ago

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omg! my arm hurts now cus i made like and 80 row bracelet lol

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, Carrie!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by foshisle 13 years ago

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srry AN 80 row bracelet

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

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love the color picker its perfect! now all i need are counters for the rows and columns and i'll be as happy as a pig in crap!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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I see a counter for numbers and rows!!! :P


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