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RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I'll be sure so get my 10 in every day then! :p

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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Basically we dont reject many patterns because we dont want to offend anyone. As one person said... One mans trash is anothers treasure. We have been discussing other ways to deal with this.. But nothing conclusive yet as far as i know.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I say, if the person hasn't come on in a while and their patterns have no favorites (considering they don't look like something someone would want to make), then you might consider deleting them.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Stefan 13 years ago

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Good points there, Carrie. But they may still get offended when they come back :(

Anyway, color palette is up! You might have to refresh your browser to load some new CSS (I had to do that, using Google Chrome).

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by lostflight2 13 years ago

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Super-lame work computers won't let me see it :( I'll have to wait until I get home to test it out.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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My boyfriend had to tell me to stop jumping up and down in my chair in excitement. Yayyy!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Or maybe create something like a recycle bin, a "last chance" section. The random, chaotic patterns could be put into that section, with a notice that these patterns will be deleted at a certain time. This way, if there is some chance that someone is in the process of making one of these patterns, they will have opportunity to print a hard copy of the pattern or save it onto their computer. Of course, this won't help decide what would go into the "recycle bin"...but like Carrie said, if the creator hasn't logged on in awhile, if the pattern has not been tagged as a favorite or has no photos, or if it is simply so random with no pattern or obvious design, then it could be a candidate for the recycle bin. Or, I just had this thought, maybe put it up for vote. The members could "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" anonymously and decide whether or not it stays...

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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YAY, STEFAN!!! Wish I had more time...but, alas, work beckons!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I like your last idea, fatnsassy.
Soon, we're going to get a ton of those patterns, so I think there should be some kind of standard or expiration date or something.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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My boyfriend also suggests lifting the limit on some trustworthy people.
It's not a huge deal, because soon I won't have time to make 10 patterns a day, but Sareana and ViscumAlbum and Logic have never made an ugly pattern in their life :p


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