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RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I also think it would be cool to have like a last 5 colors used area. I kept clicking th wrong box by accident, and had to type in a color, fix the one box, and type in my old color again.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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How do you get more than one color?

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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Or do you just have to keep typing different colors in the one box every time you switch?

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

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type in each different color in the box, at least till Stefan gets the color picker for it going , really want counted columns and rows too.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Carrie 13 years ago

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Yeah, you have to copy and paste or type it out.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

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i agree with you Carrie or a color selector tool tip so you can easily re grab the color your working with from the alpha desgin itself.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by Sareana 13 years ago

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I'm going to wait till Stefan finishes the alpha generator to start to add in my patterns.

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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It was just like making the pattern in Excel! I needed to make the pattern for someone and since the generator wasn't working, I did it in Excel and now just transferred it here. :)

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Ok, now I'm aggrevated...I updated Java on my PC, made sure it was enabled, and no generator. I downloaded Google Chrome, and there's the generator---but it won't accept the hex codes I enter in (and they are valid hex codes). I want to comment on this (while using Google Chrome) and there's no comment box at the bottom of the screen! So I have to close Chrome and open Internet Explorer to ask the stupid question!

RE: Alpha gen 2, want to test? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Now I feel like an idiot...I wasn't logged in with Chrome! Sorry for my rant...


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