
was donated
RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Jeckle 10 years ago

I'm taking the GRE (which is our ridiculously hard test for admittance into graduate school) on the 23rd of May. Thanks to my distractable nature, I'm about to temporarily deactivate my facebook soon and stay offline for good until after that date. After the test I only have a couple days until I leave for Summer Camp until the second week of August. I'll probably need a week or so to get back into the swing of things at work and everything, so I most likely won't resume mod duties until September. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up so you don't think I just decided to quit the site altogether. :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by purplegoldfish 10 years ago

Hey everyone. Tonight I am going out of town, and I just found out that the hotel I am staying at won't have wifi. I might be able to check in for a little bit on my phone, but other than that I will probably be gone for most of Friday-Sunday. Just wanted to give you a heads up :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by purplegoldfish 10 years ago

This upcoming week, I have five days where I work 17 hours.. So needless to say, I won't be on much (except for the occasional check in) till probably around next week Friday. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not disappearing or something.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 10 years ago

I'm also not there from tomorrow until wednesday or thursday ...

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 10 years ago

I am not working a lot, so when I am not picking up the kids and just sitting around working on bracelets I will be on the site. What has happened to everyone else??????

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 10 years ago

Kim officially stepped back as a mod, as Lacy (TBSNBubblegum) did, Jeckle's in summer camp and Foz needs to lay her focus somewhere else, which I can really understand after all the years she'd been constantly on the site. So before you reappeared, it was Lonike, Dolly, sometimes Karishma and me, who basically kept it running. Tony seems to have health issues, and as I mention it, I really wonder how he is now ...??

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 10 years ago

Well I guess I will be double timing for a while... I'll message Tony and check in and see how things are going.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 10 years ago

I meant unofficially, not officially. - Guys, did any of you remove Kim and Lacy as mods?

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 10 years ago

I will put them back then

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by KnotterHolic 10 years ago

Hey guys. So if I've not been around more often, it is because with the issue I've had with my internet and since college is closed for the holidays I cannot be an evil little parasite and live off the internet there *Pfft*. Lately I've just been covering background work as and when I can although it is not that obvious. But I am still on whenever I can if any of you were wondering. Or at least whenever I can get connected to my neighbor's crappy wifi. Jokes apart, just to let you know I will be travelling tomorrow and won't be around for a couple of days since my granny's place in the Philippines doesn't have wifi. So it might take me a couple of days to get settled and go on a hunt for a secure network. I will keep ya'll updated and notify you as soon as I'm back on.


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