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RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 11 years ago

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I'm not at home in the next few days either, and I won't have internet, but I'll be back on sunday :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by KnotterHolic 11 years ago

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As you've noticed I haven't really been on much the last 2 days or so. I occasionally drop by in the wee hours of morning to check,clear up some stuff and that's about it really. It will stay the same for me the next 2 days or so. Something came up and I have to straighten out my priorities. If i do get the time though you'll find me here. If not and things get a little hectic,I apologize for not attending to lessen the burden. Will be back soon, I promise.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Jeckle 11 years ago

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Hi guys. :) I'm back from a very, very...VERY long summer between classes, work, and spending every spare moment at the summer camp I volunteer for. I changed my career plans last February, so that means rushing through three more prerequisite classes, graduate school applications, and taking the GRE. I won't have much spare time at all this year, but I'm going to jump on whenever possible.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by FatnSassy 11 years ago

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I haven't been around a lot the past week, and I apologize for the extra load that has put on the rest of you. I have a lot going on right now, so it's going to be a while before I can be back regularly, hopefully within a couple of weeks. I'll pop in and do a little when I can. Again, I'm sorry :(

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by KnotterHolic 11 years ago

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That time of the year again. Hectic Schedules, piling work load, monotonous routines and countless cups of coffee to keep me awake through all this.

I feel I wanted to share this with you all so that you get a grasp of what will be going on around with me the next couple of months.

So applying for college in the beginning wasn't easy for me. Struggled a lot for getting into a program major I practiced for in high school but ended up taking something entirely different and non-related. Which explains the mood swings, stress, and constant depressive scenarios people around me had to deal with everyday. Silly me.
But just recently I've been blessed and was lucky enough to get into the Program I've been waiting for a whole year and basically start tomorrow. It's been a bumpy ride ever since and I'm not too sure it will be smooth from here on out because money troubles is still a financial burden for us. Has always been, honestly. But I'm trying to work my through it finding the littlest possible alternative I can dig up and maybe contribute the rest for everyday needs at home.

I'm a full time student and at college from around 7-8 am till 4 pm, late in the afternoon. Also I work part-time at the college which puts in 2 extra hours.There's not much I can do when I'm back home except for unwind, get pending work done and finally retire for the night.

I may disappear occasionally from time to time but know this, I will try my level best to do whatever I can whenever I can. Mostly, background work really, accepting photos, clearing up keywords,links,user info and occasionally drop in by the guestbook and forums. Can't say much about checking patterns but if and whenever I do find the time, I couldn't see myself doing anything else :)

Also, I'm most of the time on Facebook everyday. If I've missed out on anything in fulfilling my duties as I should be, keeping me posted or maybe just wanted to drop by and talk(Which I'd appreciate as stress can take it's toll sometimes), don't hesitate in reaching me since notifications go straight to my phone.

Lastly, I don't want anyone feeling I'm trying to put you in a difficult spot. I hope I don't get scrutinized anytime soon for not picking up the slack around here (if any) because I know I'm not alone facing reality at the time. We've got our own shit to deal with everyday.
Doing what I do around here is a huge part of me and I cannot express enough how happy and grateful I am to be a part of this. I wouldn't want to screw that up at any point, yeah ?

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by neese80 11 years ago

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I think we all anticipated that you'd be very busy once school started. So don't stress that! Focus on your education and just do what you can. :-)

Life has definitely been insanely difficult for me to deal with lately so I haven't had much time to contribute myself. I deeply apologize for that. But I do what I can when I can so hopefully you guys understand and I'll continue to try my best.

To sum up what's going on in my crappy world...
-Dad is back in the hospital after having surgery to attempt to remove the cancer in his colon and rectum. His bowels have completely shut down at this point but the doctors are doing their best. Still unsure if they got all the cancer or if it has spread ar all.
-Mom is still recovering from literally dying from the massive heart attack. And the stroke she had after being brought back to life, and still recovering from the hip replacement she had in February. Dad was doing a great job of taking care of her, but now with him back in the hospital, mom's care falls on me.
-My own health has continued to progressively get worse. Yesterday marked the 3 year mark of when all the symptoms started. 3 full years of constant pain and spasms, worsening eyesight to the point of legal blindness, and still no answers or relief. And also denied multiple times for disability income. Court date October 8th for their final decision. (Most likely, they'll deny me again.) I had another MRI August 8th, an inconclusive EEG August 11th, and my new neurologist was surprised I hadn't had a spinal tap done yet so I'm having that done on Sept 11th. I'm hoping and praying that my spinal fluid is not clear. I don't think most people actually hope that something is wrong, but I need answers. Cloudy or discolored spinal fluid would confirm that something is actually wrong. That would definitely help my court case in October too. So keep your fingers crossed, pray to your deity of choice, dance naked around a fire, whatever you gotta do that these tests find out what's wrong with me.

And just know, that once I'm physically and mentally able, I will be back to mod duties in full force. For now, I will do my best to do what I can when I can. ***hugs to all***

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by KnotterHolic 11 years ago

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Appreciate the reassurance. Means a lot :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by TBSNBubblegum 11 years ago

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Wishing you both luck. My little one starts school tomorrow and I should be able to do more on the site til I find a job. You both are a great help.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by purplegoldfish 11 years ago

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I hope everything works out for you neese, I can't imagine what you are going through.
Also, I feel like i should mention that college has also started for me. I also have two part time jobs, but one of them is at an ice cream shop so that will be done in about a month. This means that my time on here during the week might be sporadic, depending on the amount of homework i have. However, during the nights/weekends I will definitely be able to find some spare time to spend on here :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by KnotterHolic 10 years ago

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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I won't be able to come on since I have my mid-terms this whole week till Wednesday of the next. Just to clear a few things up so that I check it off in my head.

Regarding the weekly contests, Lacy posted the last one and is then followed by Jodie, Kim and then myself. In case they can't make it, feel free to inform me prior to the contest, on Facebook, if it skips to my name. I'd be happy to prepare one and post.

As for other routine tasks, I apologize if things get a little hectic. I'll make up for it as much as I can sometime soon.

See ya'll soon.


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