
was donated
RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Jeckle 11 years ago

Most of us who are regularly active do this anyway, we just create a mod only guestbook entry if we're going to be gone for a bit. It's just nice to have one place for it. :)

@Stefan that sounds great! The only suggestion I have is that I don't think it needs to include rejected patterns. Most of us vote on a pattern before it is rejected unless it is a simple word pattern and they didn't read the alpha generator page. :P

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Carrie 11 years ago

Foz stated everything better than I could; it's not a requirement to not tell us what's going on with your life, it's just another opportunity to respect your fellow moderators. A simple letting us know post would be appreciated, but to ask people to ask you individually would be time consuming for you and for us.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Carrie 11 years ago

For the next month or two, I'll have to limit my time to about 20 minutes a day to focus on my orders. Those 20 minutes will be spent checking kumihimos and voting on alphas if I have any extra time.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by FatnSassy 11 years ago

Just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be on as much for the next month or so. I'm finally getting more hours at work, and I'm totally swamped with Christmas projects. I'll still be able to check in a couple of times a week, and I'll only be a Facebook message away if I'm needed in an emergency...but I won't be able to make it an everyday thing again until at least January.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 11 years ago

Just let you know that I won't be there tomorrow and saturday, maybe sunday. Have a nice weekend!

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by neese80 11 years ago

I just want to give a heads up on something with me. We've been planning on taking me to the ER for a while now. But I've been scared and have put it off. But the time may be coming for me to give in. I had stroke like symptoms exactly a month ago. I was hoping the symptoms that arose from that would get better or wear off or whatever. But I actually seem to be getting worse. I don't know what's going to happen when I finally give in and go to the ER, but I will still have my phone with me and will try to do whatever I can from there. But I just wanted to give a heads up that I may end up not having the time or capability to do much at that time. I'm still procrastinating on it, but tomorrow may be the day. I'll send an update when I do finally head to the hospital.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Kestrel 11 years ago

So just before Christmas there I got a couple of letters through the door, both for psychiatry appointments. I've to go see whoever is covering for my psychiatrist whilst she's on maternity leave AND apparently I've to go see some other psychiatrist...or somebody...about a new group that's starting up with people with my illness.

To top it all off, the therapy I *have* been looking for? (because lets face it, I could give jack shit about that other stuff, but there's the whole "requirement" part of it) apparently it's unavailable and Toni's getting blindsided left right and centre with the whole, "It's just not available in Northern Ireland" phrase. Bullshit.

This has been going on since mid November or so, so it's not likely I'll be disappearing off the grid at any stage soon. But should the shit hit the fan and the worst come to the worst, blame psychiatry? I'm hoping there'll be no trouble there...but at the same time, it's looking like I may end up couch-surfing for a good while if it means getting this bollocks sorted.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 11 years ago

Hey fellow mods :) I just wanted to thank you for liking my brandnew facebook-page and apologize at the same time that I'm still so unfamiliar with how everything works on there. I feel like just arising from the Middle Ages :D I basically would like to only use my "La Cage aux Fils" page for the moment and don't really know if I can like your pages with this account *sigh* - still have to inform myself a bit...

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 11 years ago

What is the link for your page??

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 11 years ago

never mind I just did a search for "La Cage aux Fils" :D


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