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Tips and problems while tying

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help me Poly!
please can you show me a diagram of how you do the start and the end of you bracelets? please?
6 usr661 1435 15 years ago
by jessediamond
How do you finish off bracelets?
Hi, I was wondering if you would tell me how you tie off your bracelets at the end, how you fas
1 origamilemon 4128 15 years ago
by guacamayo
pattern 1359???
has anyone completed pattern 1359 yet because it looks so simple but once i get to the end of the pa
0 usr1023 1352 15 years ago
by usr1023
pattern 2073
Hi, Does anybody know how long the threads have to be for this pattern? P.S: what is the general
7 usr1002 2200 15 years ago
by CoHa
stone setting
I was wondering if anyone knew how to set a stone in a friendship bracelet, Like that stone is set.
2 usr1001 1394 15 years ago
by usr1036
Pattern #2076
I'm making 2076 for my mom's birthday...does anyone have any tips on how long to make each of the co
4 jessediamond 2552 15 years ago
by jessediamond
I found this link that has a checkered pattern. But I can't make heads or tails of how to do it. can
1 usr942 1198 15 years ago
by usr1002
help me understand this? PLEASE? I wanna make this for my mom and dad for their anniversary.
0 skemily 2057 15 years ago
by skemily
how can i make the bracelets tighter?
Whenever i make bracelets with embroidery thread they always seem more vertically stretched out. for
1 usr805 1525 15 years ago
by jessediamond
Pattern #559
I'm having some trouble visually. I understand the pattern up until the repeating point. can anyone
2 usr942 1046 15 years ago
by usr942

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