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Tips and problems while tying

thread name replies author views last post
fancy ties on the end??
i've noticed that one person on here (polly) has this really fancy looking cording type thing on the
4 lucifluci 3290 15 years ago
by usr661
pattern 1594
Hi, I was knotting pattern 1594 but it stops after 16 rows. That is only the first half of the co
2 usr672 1342 15 years ago
by usr672
problem with pattern 109
at the end of the pattern, the threads arent in the order to start over. so how do i continue it onc
4 usr485 1484 15 years ago
by IPF
left edge curl
Ok a few of my bracelets the left edge either curls or bigger in size than the right of my bracelet.
1 usr572 1448 15 years ago
by usr661
Another Question(I dumb at this)
Since I'm not as expericened as all you peeps(lol..jk) out there...I have a question,which some of y
1 usr398 1953 15 years ago
by usr661
need help
can someone tell me how to make this bracelet. its the 3rd one down with the blue, red, and white
9 usr643 1600 15 years ago
by usr643
pattern 1578
I am confused with this pattern because at the bottom of the pattern the colors are in different ord
2 Brittanyyy 2594 15 years ago
by Brittanyyy
thread order
when a pattern ends with the threads in a different order than the pattern began do i just go back t
2 usr633 1113 15 years ago
by usr633
pattern 499
im confused with pattern 499. i followed the pattern and at the end, the second and fourth strings a
1 usr485 1257 15 years ago
by IPF
Threads Breaking...
Is there anything I can do to prevent my threads from breaking? t is really frusturating that they
6 usr470 1956 15 years ago
by usr572

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