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Tips and problems while tying

thread name replies author views last post
having a problem with patter #1665
i got to the end of the instruction and im not sure what to do next, is it possible you could comple
9 usr564 2466 15 years ago
by usr564
new person who needs basic help here please
hey guys im new at this. i learned how to do the arrow, diagnol lines, and macrame bracelets from fr
1 usr485 2001 16 years ago
by Cathelijn
im trying to make some of the bracelets on the site BUT the diagram that attempts to show how to tie
2 irieLOVE 2687 16 years ago
by usr485
Around are neighborhood what happens is one person gives another person a ghost and a present for Ha
0 usr361 1362 16 years ago
by usr361
knots loose
Hello. I am pretty new to trying "Advanced" bracelet making. I have been making the stripped diagona
0 usr475 1807 16 years ago
by usr475
Need help choosing colours for patterns?
I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem... i know i do! So i hunted around the web for colour p
2 usr401 1809 16 years ago
by kbtwin1
Color Combinations!
Hi all of you out there.Some people may have some trouble finding colours that match(I know i do).So
0 usr398 1998 16 years ago
by usr398
skull n' peace bracelets...heeelp!!
i have no idea how to do #255 and #1425 im new at this.... :/
3 usr397 2290 16 years ago
by usr397
this bracelet is incomplete, as stefan calls it. i can see that its not so complicated - the first l
1 rotem 2668 16 years ago
by usr361
Help with a pattern from another site!
I have been trying to figure out how to make this design for about a week now, but it just isn't wor
3 Person 3367 16 years ago
by Person

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