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Tips and problems while tying

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How to read Name Pattern ( for a bracelet)
Hey guys, im new to this whole craft. And I just wanted to start out by saying that all of you guys
8 Caveladyb 1707 3 years ago
by kleinevos
Tips for starting out
Hi! I’m Lissy. I’m new here. Any tips or tricks for getting started? Can’t wait to hear from you &
1 Lissy2244 917 3 years ago
by kleinevos
Breaking strings
I have been making bracelets for a while now and until recently my strings have been fine, but recen
0 Likebracelets 562 3 years ago
by Likebracelets
Stretched out image on bracelet
Hi everyone, I'm making pattern #38818 (cherries) and so far the image on the bracelet looks really
5 Face 969 3 years ago
by Face
How do I make sure my bracelet never falls off?
I relize that at some point my bracelet will fall off. But I just started making a bracelet for myse
5 Willow_ 13202 3 years ago
by koanetwork
Hi Guys ! Can i ask how to change the color of the pattern ?
3 amberstarriray 1074 3 years ago
by Timtheman
Selling Bracelets
Hey guys, I need help. I am not sure how and what to charge on my bracelets. I know the basics like
7 livlife816 7550 3 years ago
by Roseinbloom
How long should the thread be..
So I have made a 8strand bracelet using about 75" folded.. so I'm about to make a 24 strand and was
3 Acidburn 1493 3 years ago
by kleinevos
When reading a pattern..
Do you have to divide in half and knot each side to the middle.. or can I just do all of them withou
1 Acidburn 808 3 years ago
by halokiwi
How to add buckles to wide pieces
I was just wondering how to make 3 buckles on a 24 string bracelet...I have only ever did a buckles
5 Acidburn 732 3 years ago
by Acidburn

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