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Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

As you might have seen - I've been updating the CSS layout lately, and hopefully the site will load faster and look more uniform from page to page.

So - what do you think. Have you found any bugs? I'm expecting some visual flaws but there might be some non-design bugs also.


RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by AlisonbyNumbers 13 years ago

I was juat thinking how much easier it is to load and use on my iPad. Thanks for your hard work!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

I just refreshed the site and first I was irritated ;)
Looks good so far, if I notice any bugs I'll report it.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

Found one already :(

Wider patterns don't show well with the new layout, I tested it in Opera and Firefox

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by biebergirl1206 13 years ago

I liked the old layout better. I find this layout a bit confusing and hard to navigate. I have to scroll up and down a lot more. I appreciate the time you are taking to improve the site though.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

@AlisonbyNumbers: Sweet. I guess all of us will experience a speedup. iPad?? Me wantssss!!

@Rissa: added a little JavaScript to rescale the pattern. Should add it to alpha patterns page also... Thanks for reporting so fast.

@biebergirl1206: What would make the new design better? Page selectors at both bottom and top? I was a bit unsure about this when designing.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

Oh, the ad on the front page is overlapping the right edge of the page :(. Soon fixed.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

Sadly the pattern is now extremely hard to see, to see it in detail I'd still have to open the picture in another tab or save to my pc to open it in Irfan View.
With the old style it was way better, the pattern was fully visible then.

While I like the new style in general I don't think that resizing the pattern with JavaScript is an improvement. Instead I think having the pattern pictures showing that small doesn't do your site any good.

Another thing I noticed: At the profile page the top menu (Inbox, Notifications and so on) is now split to two rows.

I still have the front page opened in one tab, so I could notice that the old style was a bit wider than the new one which might have caused this menu problem.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

Resizing added to alpha patterns as well.
The patterns will be harder to see - yes - but I don't like it when the page gets wider because of it. I will instead make a button for opening the pattern in a new window.

The links that were split on 2 rows (which I call "sublinks") are now adjusted so they don't. I might have been a bit generous on the spacing between those.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by biebergirl1206 13 years ago

I realized that one reason I'm scrolling up and down a lot more is because all of the pictures like the profile and bracelet pictures are all different sizes. I don't have any experience in web design, so I don't know if there's anything you can do to change this. In the old layout, the pictures were restricted to one size which made it easier to scroll through pages. I do think putting page selectors at the top and bottom would be helpful.


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