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RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I'll check this out on my Kindle later. It's the only way I can get on here on the weekends :)

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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I like the new layout! I've only been on here for a few minutes, but from what I've seen so far, I like! Nice work... I haven't encountered any problems yet, but I'll get back to you if I do ;)

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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I love how you added when the pattern was added under the pattern info. Maybe this will help to end any future squabbles of "pattern plagiarism".

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by AlisonbyNumbers 13 years ago

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Stefan, it was a gift, way too much for me to have bought, but I love it!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Killshotz 13 years ago

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This one picture all of a sudden started to FlAsH! Do you know what could of caused it because this isnt the first time it happpened

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Carrie 13 years ago

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I keep getting the first image really big when I first go to the newsfeed.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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I noticed immediately that something was different about the site. It does look pretty! However I know the change is new, and could have some issues. That is why I am here. I have noticed a few problems while browsing this morning. It basically seems to stem from the pages not loading correctly. A simply refresh of the page fixes it! I took some screen shots to show you what I have seen using Google Chrome v: 7.0.517.44 (This is the most up to date version)

I have also noticed from my mobile phone that (the mobile version of the site, is not behaving either. For example, the load time for the front page is horrendous, ads are showing up as before they were not. And if you do not have a smart phone, like I do not, you may tend to get an error "insufficient memory" basically meaning that the page is too large for the phone to handle. Basically it seems that it is not loading a mobile, slimmed down version anymore. From what I can see before my phone errors off of the website, it looks like it should from a computer.

And one more thing, I do not know where I said this before so I am not sure if you ever got a chance to read it or even reply. Chuck has offered his help on the website. Basically fixing small things that you don't quite have time for and similar.. I know you are a busy man! He is very skilled in CSS as well as PHP and other things I don't feel like asking him about at the moment. lol. But yes, he has offered to help, and of course would not do anything that you say no to, or do not approve of. And even better, hes free! HAHA! :P

Oh, one more tiny thing... the thumbnails in the newsfeed are really tiny. It would be nice to see them a little bit bigger. But no worries.

Great job by the way! I know you'll get these minor things ironed out!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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On the moderator side of things, I see the unchecked similarities page is up and running. Where as before anytime I accidentally clicked it, it would crash and burn.

The initial load on it was pretty bad, but understandable as the first patterns that should up had a bucket full of similar ones. Loading so many images can cause it to take a while. After 10-20 seconds it was fully loaded and ready to go. The first pattern on the list was #212. This one has a LOT of similar patterns, I am not about to count them... Anyways, my point in writing this is that the thumbnails showing all of the similar patterns are. again, a little small for my taste. Making it a bit more difficult to see if the patterns are close enough for them to be considered similar. I found myself inching closer to the screen to get a better look. By the way I use 1440x900 widescreen resolution if that has anything to do with it.

And a minor grammar issue...
Your rule : The patterns that is indicated as similar should really be similar.
Should be: The patterns that ARE indicated as similar should really be similar.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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The entire website keeps crashing for me. Will last an hour or more at a time. I do not think this has anything to do with the new CSS, but figured this would be a good place to let you know.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Carrie 13 years ago

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When I was on my laptop the page wouldnt load, and it was the same on my kindle. I freaked out because I thought I couldn't get it at all. I'm glad it's working now though!


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