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RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Here's one link:

And another:

Also, when I click on an alpha pattern, the first view of the pattern is a little larger than normal, while the rotated view is enormous. Here's a link:

My browser is IE8, and my OS is Windows XP Home Edition (dinosaur, I know :)). Don't know if it makes any difference; just thought I'd throw it out there. Oh, and all this is really minor for me...I still prefer this new layout to the old, even if it's never free of all the bugs, and I appreciate the work you're putting into it! :)

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

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Glad to hear that the Generator 1 will not be removed!

So you asked about the advantages...
- If the pattern you want to enter is already written down it's much faster to enter the number of Ds and Rs compared to clicking each arrow several times. Especially if you have to repeat several rows it's just a matter of copy and paste.
- The pattern is shown in original size and you don't have to zoom in using some extra buttons to see everything*.
- Picking colors is way faster than in generator 2, but of course generator 3 is even faster.
- With generator 2 many people don't think about which knot is the best if two strings of the same color meet. They just use the first that happens to offer the desired effect even if another knot would be a lot more plausible. I sometimes think that patterns made with generator 1 are more thought through, maybe because someone first had drawn them on paper before entering them into the generator.
- Java... Every now and then my computer decides that it doesn't like to run Java now, no matter which browser I use. The next day it will work again. Or it takes several minutes until I could use the generator. With 1 this problem doesn't exist.

* Now with the lot of scrolling involved if the pattern is wider than ten strings it is not that a big advantage any more :( If the scroll thing wasn't at the bottom, but at the top instead so that you would not need to scroll down the whole site it would help a lot again.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by BlargityBlar 13 years ago

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at the top of each page (besides the homepage) the grey bar with the different actions is huge to the point that i have to scroll down a lot to see what is actually on the page

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Foz 13 years ago

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oooookay, I'm not sure if this is just happening to me, or if this is a problem that's being dealt with already -- but the pictures seem to be enlarged to a certain width, i.e. to fill out most of the screen. for most this is too big and the pictures get all grainy...

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

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I still have problems with the picture size.
Most patterns are resized to be small, but sometimes they aren't resized at once, I have to reload the pattern page several times until it is made smaller.
And the other pictures too are sometimes not properly resized that I have to refresh.

Are you still going to add a "open in new window"-button for the patterns?

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

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@Rissa: Thank you for your comments. I will get back to you about them!
@fatnassy: I updated the pattern.php page so the second alpha image is scaled better in both "good" browsers, and Internet explorer. LOL.
@BlargityBlar: I haven't seen this before. What browser are you using and can you give me a screenshot somehow? Send to webmaster [at] Thanks!
@Fox: as I mentioned, the pattern instruction images should be rescaled properly now. Where else do you get this glitch?
@Rissa: Now you just have to click the pattern for opening it in a new window. Do you think a separate button is needed?

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Haha, Stefan :D Thanks!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

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@ Stefan
No, I don't think that a separate button is needed. When did you implement this? I must have missed it as I haven't browsed any patterns the last days, just checked the wider ones if they've been resized properly.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

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No probs, fatnassy!
Rissa, I uploaded the latest revision when I wrote the message about it in this thread :-)

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Um, Stefan, I just noticed...I'm in "fat and sassy"...not "fatnassy"...ROFL!!! However, I guess that would be fitting as well! *tears in eyes laughing* (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)


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