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RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by bkwrmi 13 years ago

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Earlier today, when I tried to access the site, I'd just get a blank screen, then a dialogue telling me to download something.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Send PM too! I tried to access the site for about 3 hours at 15-20 minute intervals, and it wouldn't load the page! I knew that it was probably just because the site is under maintenance, but I was still about to panic!

I guess it's needless to say that I'm having all the same problems as everyone else--with the first 5 or so pics/patterns in the newsfeed being huge, an occasional "access denied" when I click on a pic/pattern to view it (or something like that), large empty "gaps" between the top of a page and the first line of the newsfeed...but I can easily ignore that. It's how slow it is to load now that gripes me. All that having been said, I still favor the new layout over the old. I think it will be awesome once the kinks are worked out.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Killshotz 13 years ago

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Same here!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Scout 13 years ago

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I've noticed that on profile pages that, unless the text entered is long enough, the white box will not quite extend past the standard text links (patterns, pictures, etc), entered by yourself, and sometimes does not extend past the picture, as well. It's not a huge deal, but I'm assuming you don't necessarily want it that way. Also, I'm wondering what happened to the selection dots (yes, a very technical term xD) at the top when you search. I found it very helpful when I was looking for a tutorial rather than a pattern. I don't know if you got rid of them for a reason, but my first reaction to the new layout was 'where'd they go!? D:' Cuz I'm cool like that. Thank you for all of your hard work! :D For the most part it is pretty good, just little kinks that I've noticed.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Carrie 13 years ago

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Stefan, may I suggest a drop down box to replace the selection dots? I think it could just fit up there.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Foz 13 years ago

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I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, because it's not a bug... and anyway, first of all, I really like the new layout! but I'm a little disappointed that the "similar patterns" under the pattern are only numbers now, not pictures. it's a lot more time consuming to check out those similars than it used to be :-(

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

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@Killshotz: The flashing should be gone now, as I've replaced the Javascript rescaling with CSS.

@Lovemenot, @Carrie: It's all about the way to rescale images. As I said, I've updated this thing now. Still getting different-scaled images?

- The Mobile version is not active anymore. Didn't have time to do the CSS for that part also, but it's coming up.
- Say thanks to Chuck from me... But I rather do it myself, because I learn better that way :). I'll keep it in mind though. My CSS skills could be better.
- The newsfeed thumbnails are bigger in the next update!
I know that the similar patterns page is horrible. If you have a better idea on how to design this page, please tell me. Before, you had to click Accept on every single similarity. That is, one page reload for each similarity check. After some calculations, you will see that the time spent per similarity is lower in the current way, even if it takes 10-20 seconds to load the current page. A solution might be some Ajax, but I haven't got used to that quite yet. Gonna do some bigger thumbnails for you though :)
- Changed the text on the similarity checking page.
- Website crashes are caused by too much load on the server. The reason is probably that too many people are using the old style generators instead of the client-side Generator 2 or 3. In the future, when G3 is ready to fully take over for G1, the server will run really smooth. I guess this is an answer to not just Lovemenot :)

@Scout: I've seen this profile-page design glitch and I also like the old version better. Next update will be like in the old layout.

@Scout, @Carrie: I took the selection buttons away to cut down on some code and improve page loading time. When you do search, you get all search results back to you and you can select your search target (tutorials, patterns etc) after you've done the search.

@Foz: You are right. I'll insert images instead.

I hope I answered all questions now. If not - ask again, lol.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Carrie 13 years ago

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As far as I can tell, the images are fine now. For me anyway :)

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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The scaling of images seems to be a lot smoother, I think you've fixed that now.
I am glad to hear the mobile site will be coming back, going through withdrawals at work because I cannot check the site, is not a good thing! lol..

The check similarities page... At the moment, something is not working right. The thumbnails are larger, so yay on that. However some of the thumbnails of the pattern we are checking similarities for, are coming in at at least 100% their size. So if we have a pattern that is 37x8 and it shows up 100% its original size, then it shifts the entire page. Meaning we have to scroll, a lot, to take a look at the similar patterns and the text entry box. It just doesn't want to all fit in the center white section. Just imagine what would happen if an 80x80 pattern showed up there! I hope this has made some sense. As far as an idea for fixing that, oy I just don't know. After talking to Chuck about it, he doesn't really have any ideas either.
Basically the only thing we came up with that could fix this, is having one check pattern per page, and it is obviously not what you want.

I have an idea or two for the similarities page. And if it does happen to weigh down the load time, I think it will be worth it.. I am horrible at explaining so I will be drawing a picture to assist! Here it is!

Please excuse the roughness of it. I didn't want to spend more than the hour I spent on it, haha, I'm slow. :P

Anyways, the basic idea is check boxes. All check boxes should be checked by default, and for each pattern that does not match, we uncheck the box. (My check boxes look horrendous haha.) Size constraints will have to be used especially because of large alpha patterns. This being the reason I put the number of the patterns is. These could be a direct link to that pattern if we need to see it larger. As I said before, this may or may not increase load times, I am not the coder in my household, but I believe even if it does increase load, it will be worth it in the long run to make it easier on us. Especially seeing as there are well over 30k to check at the moment, haha.

Um, I think there was more I needed to say but I honestly cannot remember now.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Foz 13 years ago

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yay, I love the new similar pattern pictures! thank you Stefan!!


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