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RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Rissa 13 years ago

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I know this is off-topic, but did you just say that you want to get rid of generator 1 altogether?
Please don't! It has some advantages the other two generators where you have to click each knot separately don't have, and I'm using this one only!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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Generator 3 is still in early beta. I believe the features generator 1 has, will indeed be implemented into generator 3.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by biebergirl1206 13 years ago

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I was looking on my favorite patterns page, and all the alpha patterns' thumbnails are their full size, so my favorites page is really long. Maybe you could make the thumbnails smaller? P.S. Stefan, thanks for all you're doing to improve the site!

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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Biebergirl1206 is right. 100% scaling is fine for most normal patterns, but 100% on alpha makes them entirely too large to be thumbnails.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by craftaddict 13 years ago

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This isn't really about the new layout per se, but after having lots of weird keywords added to one of my patterns, my husband said he thought only the creator of the pattern should be able to add keywords. I can see the benefit of letting others add them as they may think of something relevant that the creator didn't. Would it be possible to switch it to like when you add a picture where it has to be approved by the moderators? I know that gives you guys more work, but maybe knowing that the mods were going to see them, it would deter the "stupid" keywords?

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

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@Rissa: We cannot get rid of G1 in any case, it makes all the gif pattern images on the site. The plan is to move all users of it to G3 when it is good enough. What advantages does G1 have except the clicking? Btw, a G1-style code box will be implemented in G3 just so you know.

@Biebergirl: Thanks for the report. Will fix asap :-)

@Craftaddict: there is a moderator check site for keywords but it acted wierd. It's being reimplemented at the moment. Until then, report patterns with wierd keywords to the moderators, they can edit them.
If only the creator would be able to add keywords, then there would be very few keywords around here.

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Bic1412 13 years ago

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is any one else having issues when going to "normal" pattern page.. i have to scroll down quite a way to actually get to the patterns.. its just white - at first i thought it hadnt loaded properly.

also this box to put your message in is much smaller than it used to be?


RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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@Bic1412...I'm having those issues with the normal pattern page as well...

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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Before I forget, I've encountered another very small bug. I decided I was going to look at every single pattern tonight before I go to bed (I'm a frequent insomniac!) and I added a pattern to my favorites. After adding the pattern to my list, I clicked the back button to return to the page I was on. I received an error message that said the pattern could not be added to my favorites. I went back to my favorites to check and it was there. Then after backing to the previous page again, the same error message occurred and has remained at the top of every page since (some 150 or so pages later). Nothing really significant since the pattern is in fact in my favorites, but thought you might like to know all the same...

RE: Layout update - found any bugs yet??? by Stefan 13 years ago

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@Bic1412, @fatnassy: Exactly where do you find this bug? Can you give me a link? I've surfed around on the site using all kinds of browsers I have and find it...

@fatnassy: The error pops up when you try to add the same pattern to favourites when it's already added. When pressing the back button you do this. Maybe I'll just delete take away that error notification, it's just confusing.


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