
was donated
RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

@Celicia : They seem to be correctly deleted. I'll double check why we don't end up on a "this post doesn't exist anymore" page... Probably I forgot a validation when making the delete feature.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

I had a notification for a comment on a report, but when I click on it I see a page where I can file a report, not view the answer on the report. The report is marked as ‘taken care of’ I presume. I don’t see the report, and I don’t know how I can view it another way, since we don’t have a list of old reports anymore. Or to be more specific: We have, but we only have access if we view a single report and click on ‘go to reports’ from there. So if there’s no report in our tasklist to click on, we can’t go there ....

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

@kleinevos : Seems to be Allison98 that commented 10 hours ago after you. Here :

I'll take a look at what the problem might be.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

I wanted to let you know...

I finished some of the changes (in the code) I told you about earlier in this thread. I don't plan on deploying this tonight as there might be some fixes to do quickly after deploy (it's a "big" change in the code even if there's no visible changes in the final result and it might break aa few things that will need fix).

I'll deploy this week and then start working on the new layout. I'll keep you updated!

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

@kleinevos : I just found the problem you referred to (also commented on report). It'll be fixed when I deploy the "code changes" I mentionned in the previous reply (probably tomorrow).

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

The link to the mod-task-list is broken.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

Sorry about the delay, the latest version with "code changes that are not visible" is now deployed. I would not be surprised if there are some new bugs since a lot of code has changed... Let me know if you ear about anything that's broken.

I also made a temporary fix for the moderator task list. It's working now. I identified the bug, but since I wanted to deploy the website a few hours before going to bed I just made a quick fix. I'm addressing the issue with a real solution just after posting this message (should be online today - I'll let you know).

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

It's fixed! I'll start working on the new design today. If anything needs a fix let me know!

RE : Private Beta - New website by Allison98 4 years ago

I can't view my notifications. I'm just getting an error each time I click on it.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Allison98 4 years ago

As well, in the Admin tasks, when I click "view" on Handle Report #, it gives me an error as well. The same "Ooooopppsss
Well... We're pretty sorry about that but something unexpected happened" error.


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