
was donated
RE : Private Beta - New website by Allison98 4 years ago

Are we still checking keywords to patterns as well as the description boxes since users can once again add info to that box?
Is this something that is or will be worked on?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Users can only add before saving. So we check before accepting a pattern. After that only moderators can add keywords or descriptions.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

Will we be able to search users in (mod)forum threads soon? I was searching for previous bans for a user, but I can only see that we mentioned the user, but not what it was about. It still only leeds to the first post of the thread,

RE : Private Beta - New website by Anyblia 4 years ago

I just saw the randomizers for pictures is gone, is it normal?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

@Celicia : I noticed I was also disconnected. I'll try to take a look tonight.

1) where exactly is it failing? In the registration page?
2) The search should work everywhere, but it is limited to 20 results at the moment. That might explain why you're not finding something specific. And yes, it still leads to the first post as I need to change something in the forum to be able to jump to a specific post :(!

@Anyblia : Where was it, what was it exactly?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

I sent an email to the user who wrote about the recaptcha failing... But I just made a test account with a temp email (deleteme123) and it works fine. I'm using Google recaptcha to detect whether a user is spam or not, so maybe the user tried to register from a public address (cafe hotspot, work, etc.) that had a lot of internet activity at the time so Google flagged it as suspicious.

@Celicia : I double checked and I haven't changed the code related to login (stay logged in). I don't know what happened there but I'll need to investigate. I'll check to redeploy the website when I have more time to see if it can bring more hints about the problem.

@Anyblia : Just a quick guess about the random image... Was it simply a "Random image" button in the grey ribbon at the top when you watch an image that brings you to a random other picture (like you can do when viewing a regular pattern)? For example in the page : you'd expect "random picture" in the grey ribbon at the top?

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

Thanks @Nicolas. It is quite annoying, it disconnects me very often.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Anyblia 4 years ago

Yep for thé randomiser :)
We had it on the previous version of the website, the same way as the “random” button you have with patterns
But with the pictures available on the site.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

1)Recaptcha. You read the same message as I did. I think with registration, yes. And we have new accounts coming in, so it should be fine now.

Another thing: The wheel designer for kumihimos is still broken.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

In the old site it was already broken, now the link to it is also not working.

The wheel designer could be used to create a disk, to print out. It should create a round image with slots for threads. The designer was able to make that bigger and smaller, and with less or more slots.


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