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RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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1) I think it was visible in the old site, but I might be wrong. Yes, it’s fine to fix that later.
2) Yes, that’s right.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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Quick update...

I started to work on the search. I'll let you know as soon as I have something to show you.

I thought about it and I really want to start working on the new design soon. If you don't see any emergency that need to be addressed really soon here's what my plan would be :

- Finish search
- Fix "incorrect information shown on some patterns"

Then I would start to work on the new website layout. I'd really like to get it done before high season (this is why I want to rush other things). I realized that a LOT of our users access the website through a mobile device (phone) or a tablet. The current website is a pain to use with a phone. One of my main goal with the new design is to make the website mobile friendly (and give it a fresh look at the same time)... I think that I'll be able to address a few problems while making the new layout (2 birds 1 stone) but my primary objective will be to have (once again) a new website with the same functionalities we have right now. I'm asking you if something is "worth addressing" before getting into this because it'll take a while before the new design is live (so I'll try to postpone any request "after the new layout delivery")...

Let me know if you think there's something urgent to fix before moving on the new layout!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Yes, many people have also asked for an app for our website, so that’s a really good idea.
The only two things that I can come up with right now:
- Picture uploading for tutorials
- Submitting of max 5 patterns per user per day

But the most important is still fixing the search-button!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Oh, and one thing that seemed less important, but we have more and more uploaded pictures, so:
I’d really like to be able to see both uploaded picture and a thumbnail image of the pattern it is uploaded to on one page.
We now have to view picture-view pattern-remember what the pattern looked like-go back to picture-check-go back to refresh checklist-repeat.

For a few pictures that’s not too bad, but I just saw a long list of uploaded pictures in our mod-task-list ......

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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And I just noticed that there is no check on doubled pictures like we used to have.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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See comments below

- Picture uploading for tutorials
>> This is one of the task I'd like to postpone because it's time consuming. I'll try to think of something that could be "tolerable" in the mean time.

- Submitting of max 5 patterns per user per day
>> I'll add it to the list. Is it a problem at the moment? How often do people start posting a load of patterns?

- I’d really like to be able to see both uploaded picture and a thumbnail image of the pattern it is uploaded to on one page.
>> I think I have something in mind that could be a good fit. I'll check out tonight if it would be possible to implement.

- And I just noticed that there is no check on doubled pictures like we used to have.
>> Can you elaborate on that? What was the "check on doubled pictures"?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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-Doubled pictures: On the old site each uploaded picture showed (in the mod-task list) the picture itself, the pattern- or tutorial -thumbnail and (if there were any) pictures that were already accepted or still pending, that were the same as the uploaded picture. I think it checked the code of the picture.

-Max of 5 patterns: Yes! Mainly new users sometimes post 10 or more within a very short amount of time. And especially now, with corona, people seem to have a lot of time for trying out our generators....

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Is it possible that every rejected pattern is still visible for everyone?? Someone commented on a rejected kumihimo pattern, and it is not the creator of the pattern!
This should be fixed as soon as possible! Could it be that they can put the number of the pattern in the url and then view the pattern?
It should be impossible to view these in public at all times!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 4 years ago

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I was looking at the pending patterns and found one with a photo. This photo was accepted and has likes and comments. So I think if users go to the pattern they can see the pending one.
I admit that accepting the photo was a mistake. In the previous site, behind the pattern number we had the word "pending" or "rejected" which helped us not to make this type of mistake. Can you add this now?


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