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RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I just saw that the user posted the same pattern twice, and one of the was already checked and rejected. My mistake!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Checking an added video gives an error page again.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I'll try to check that tomorrow.

Also, I wanted to say... Until I add the tutorial checking, you can give me the number for the tasks so I can do it manually in the database (the tutorials you want me to "check" with a script)

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I’m not sure which one I didn’t check myself so far, but from the list of pending tutorials these are the ones that I didn’t update myself:

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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@kleinevos : I didn't have time to review the problem for the "video check task". I'll remove it tomorrow. Regarding the "tutorial check tasks", should I understand that every "tutorial approval task" for a tutorial that *is not in your list* can be removed from the mod task list with my script?

@All : I got a follow up today from the email provider. They're working to get their server removed from the blacklist. The process takes a few days so it should soon be back up (tomorrow if we're luck). When I get more time (after new design) I'll probably take a look to change this provider anyway. But for now, if their fix works, I'll postpone the switch to put my energy where they're best invested (new design then better approval tools for you).

Last thing... I finally made some decent progress on the design. I made a few attempts at the main pages in the last weeks but I was really not satisfied with the results (I'm not a design guy... I'm more a code guy so it's more trial and error until I build something that I like). This weekend I got some decent results though. It's not done, but I am confident that I should have something to present you within weeks (I don't know how many weeks, but it should be less than a month). By "presenting you" I mean a version 1 on a private website that I'll share with mods only (like I did for private beta before the server migration). This new version of the website should be easy to use on a tablet and I'm even trying to make it convivial on a phone.

At the moment, no page is "finished" but I got a good "mockup" for the pattern list page, the forum list, forum category list and forum thread page. Also the comment section is mostly done. I'll keep you updated!

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I removed tutorials tasks. Only two are remaining since I wanted your confirmation before going forward with those "checks".

Tutorial #199
The last section (about flip flop candystripe) was added. Let me know if I should check.

Tutorial #2603
A lot has changed (compared to the version made by Alicat 6 years ago). It's much more complete and seems well done, but I'd like someone to confirm everything's OK before I remove the task.

#66 -> Checked (made by kleinevos)
#632 -> Checked (only 1 mistake remaining & I fixed it myself)
#1329 -> Checked (made by kleinevos)
#2501 -> Identical (checked)
#2514 -> Checked (made by kleinevos)
3453 -> Checked (made by kleinevos)
5332 -> Checked (made by kleinevos)
5579 -> Checked (new tutorial + mod comment by kleinevos saying it seems all good)

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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I decided to fix the problem we had with the "robot" detection. It's now a checkbox (you've probably seen it on other websites). I tested both creating a new account & posting a message on the guestbook. Both work.

From the stats I had, maximum 3% of the users were having problems with the previous method, but I still think it was worth fixing since it must be really frustrating...

Let me know if there's any problem!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Both tutorials mentioned seem okay to me. Except from the missing pictures and video in tutorial 199.

I hope I have time soon to go through all of our tutorials and remove all of these missing pictures.
But maybe it’s less work to wait till I can add good pictures back.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 4 years ago

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The two last tutorials tasks are now removed.

Also, I decided to fix one of the features you told me about in the other thread - Being able to go to a specific forum post. I hope it helps you. The only place it won't be working is in your "personnal notifications" (the newsfeed should work fine, same for when you click on the last interaction in the forum home or in a category). I also increase the number of "forum results" in the search as they are limited and there's no paging...

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 4 years ago

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That should help a lot!!


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