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Tips and problems while tying

thread name replies author views last post
String Length
How long should the strings for a pattern be? It doesnt tell me, and i dont want to cut my strings t
3 idigdeepholes 1301 14 years ago
by ImKannace12
Turn Tables? Records?
Can anyone point me into the direction of a turn table pattern? Or a record pattern?
0 NicelyKnotted 895 14 years ago
by NicelyKnotted
Help!!! Anyone knows how to make this
Hi, i could not open the knots part and could not see how to make it.. Really lik the pattern though
9 BC_MezZ 1622 14 years ago
by Acid
Working with patterns from here instead of written out instructions
So, I've been making bracelets for a number of years and after finding this site it was the first ti
1 ZacSz 1150 14 years ago
by Acid
RE: Sofa
deleted thread
3 usr321 150 14 years ago
by Sofa
Help with a Bracelet from Heather's
I really like bracelet # 72 from Heather's bracelet site (fourth set, under "patterns from friends")
1 horsingaround 1063 14 years ago
by Wheels
Name of a pattern
so i need a name for the pattern#3131 any help? please respond asap!! i need it becuase im doing a t
1 fbcreater156 1333 14 years ago
by undrground
Quick question on pattern #2321 (peace sign)
I just want to know how long I should make each string if I'm going to fold them in half. Thanks :)
3 TeamEdward 1187 14 years ago
by Stellaphone
Adding Buttons
So there is this girl at my school who adds buttons onto her bracelts and in the bracelets she forms
5 Cookie 3354 14 years ago
by Stellaphone
I know this is probably covered...short threads..
I am new to bracelect making and have taught myself mostly from instructions here and videos on yout
5 w2bzz 1407 14 years ago
by Stellaphone

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