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Tips and problems while tying

thread name replies author views last post
the bracelet starts and ends
when your starting and ending bracelets with ten or more threads how is the best way you've found to
2 gracieofrvale 1987 14 years ago
by moushtie
I cant figure out how to do any patten at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 2cool4u 1163 14 years ago
by danidukes94
desperatley need help :(
i need some serious help. my aunt was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so i want to make her a br
16 lisax04 2714 14 years ago
by lisax04
ive been making bracelets for a while but i've never know how long to cut me thread. can anybody tel
4 tiny_dancer 1631 14 years ago
by judyes
heeeeeeelp plz
hiiiiiiiii my bracelets doesnt comes after doing them soo great cous my strings is so thin and i
5 miimzoo 1441 14 years ago
by judyes
How to thread those patterns...
Ok, so for some reason, whenever I go to make a bracelet with, say the panda pattern with all those
4 RainyLights 1294 14 years ago
by RainyLights
3 color alpha bracelet
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make a 3 color alpha bracelet. I already know how to
4 schuale 4482 14 years ago
by Candy22
Keyring help
ok I saw from one of the earlier posts how to get thread on a keyring. One pattern bothers me about
4 catgir 1215 14 years ago
by Cathelijn
i was wondering!!!!!!
i was wondering if the patterns that are in graph that are in alphabet style if you could make them
1 Candy22 980 14 years ago
by pooky
hello everyone, i need some patterns of or for halloween, christmas and thanksgiving because im maki
13 pooky 11372 14 years ago
by pooky

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