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Keeping Up with the Moderators by Carrie 11 years ago

First off, I'd like to apologize for the situation that happened yesterday, which arose out of miscommunication. I feel as though we need an area to write about current inactivity and possible future inactivity, in regards to our lives. Right now, I think it's a good idea if everyone who isn't on here every day posts what's happening in their lives, and if/when they can come back to typically every day activity (I.e. Right now I'm going through ___, and I think I'll be able to come back once ___ is fixed). Possibly, an approximate time frame would be nice to have so the active moderators know how much responsibility they'll have on the site. That way, we know that everyone is on the same page and working to come back eventually. If you can't foresee a solution/time frame to the life issues you're having right now, maybe you should consider being taken off the moderator list until a time where you can be more active, to keep the admin page full of moderators who can give timely responses to PMs.

I also think it should be a priority that when those of you who don't come on every day, do come on, that reading through the moderator forum should be a priority before check photos and patterns. That way, everyone's up do date on pattern checking procedures and what users need to be looked out for in what areas. This was Huntress' main problem.

So please, if you're going through something, let us know. We will totally understand.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Foz 11 years ago

I do understand that life comes first, and some things are just more important than being a moderator. but if something is going on in someone's life that keeps them from coming here for weeks on end, I think it's only fair to the rest of us that we are kept informed of that. also, being gone for ages, and then dropping in to do random acts of modding is not helpful if it causes a mess and the rest of us are left to pick up the pieces. I'm very willing to listen to anyone's side, truly, I am. I don't expect anyone to explain themselves to me and justify their place on the team. but I can respect anyone who is honest about things, and wants to take a break, and reapply later when their lives are less busy. being lied to is the worst part of this, and having to put up with excuses makes me feel like I'm not being taken seriously.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 11 years ago

I think this is a great idea Carrie. I haven't been as active as I would like in the past few weeks. I do try and come on every day(well a few times a day). Trying to deal with the emotions that come along with my mom dying has been really hard. I am trying to stay positive and find that happy medium to keep going every day and not let the little people see how bad I am hurting. I don't want to be deactivated or take a break cause coming on here as much as I can helps fill the void I have right now.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Foz 11 years ago

I really have to ask, Tiffany. what do you do, when you come on a few times a day? I've not seen a single comment from you on anything in days.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by HarleyMama23 11 years ago

I've been checking the guest book entries, checking the new users, I get lost in all the forum entires, still trying to get a handle on that section of the site. I apologize for being so quite and not commenting a lot lately.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Sab_Attack 11 years ago

Wee for my turn! Hahaha. Tryin to stay happy.

So as most of you know, I'm kind of insane. Let me elaborate.. I like to keep myself busy and on the brink of meltdown. Why? I get bored easily when I'm not challenged and I'd go insane. I'm a full time college student: I'm on campus from 7:30 til 2-4 (Depending on the day) and a mom. I work part time and am pretty much maid at my house.

BUT. I do come on here more often than it seems. When I have a spare ten minutes when i get home from school, in class when the teacher's a bore, etc. hahaha. Like Tiffany, I do background things like check user info, pictures, patterns, etc. I get on the guestbook sometimes and get confused in the forums.

I'm working on this, though. I want to do more, and as the semester is closing, the work load is piling. I've got an essay due in about 5 hours i need to finish and a presentation/paper due tomorrow morning. Right now, obviously school is more important but i really do love being a moderator and i come on a lot more than it seems because, like i said, i do the background things. I would like to stay on as a moderator, just know for the next few days I will not be on as frequently. Hopefully by wednesday things will slow down for awhile. Once school gets less stressful, i intend on hoping back into the forums and getting more active there.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Arismende 11 years ago

Hi there. Since I have a last exam to pass on october 30, I would like to ask you if it's ok, when I take a break for a week, because for me it's really difficult to concentrate if I'm doing stuff here all day, too. I tried to do both but it just doesn't work for me, I'm kinda too distracted all the time and cannot focus, so I would prefer not to come here until next wednesday, when the exam is done.

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Foz 11 years ago

lol Arismende!! good luck with your exam! you don't have to ask permission to be away, just let us know, that's all we ask :-)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Carrie 11 years ago

Ben's coming today, weeeeee! That means, the next few days I might be scarce. Probably not too long though :)

RE: Keeping Up with the Moderators by Sab_Attack 11 years ago

YAY for Ben coming! :D
Good luck on your exam, Arismende!


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