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RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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@kleinevos : then would it be a good idea to prevent saving a pattern with uneven number of rows but allow the generator to "present it"?

I've heard some people talk about the app, but we can do "app-ish" website today with all the fonctionnalities supported by recent browser. I personnaly don't like the idea of a mobile app. I know BB is doing it, but my bet is on a great website that would behave similarly to an app.

Question : what do you mean when you say "I’m a moderator and can still make screenshots of existing patterns in the colors I want to knot". Can you guide me in the feature you're using but is inaccessible to regular users?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Ok, so the problem I had saturday with my development environment is now resolved.

After further validation, the problem with pattern #11213 is really what I thought. Like mentionned earlier, I could enable the generator to load patterns with uneven number of rows but add a validation to prevent saving more patterns with uneven number.

Let me know if you think the "uneven number of rows" validation should be added to alpha pattern too.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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Sorry to intrude on the conversation.
We use the possibility to edit the patterns, we change the colors to our liking and we take a screenshot but we don't save it. This is what all users could do before, the problem was that most would save it as a new pattern or overwrite the original. That is why it was disabled waiting for an alternative where users could change the color but where they would not have the option to save it as a new pattern or overwrite it. I think the feature of being able to change the color of an existing pattern was one of the most valuable things about the site for many users (besides the generator, of course).

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Exactly what Celicia says!

About the uneven number of rows:
For an alpha amount of rows can be uneven, an alpha doesn’t have to be repeating (and can also be repeating with uneven numbers). For a normal it could work as you say if that means moderators can load, improve, and save the pattern.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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What might be the solution for normal users to change colors of existing patterns:
Is it possible to change the way the ‘save as #...’ button works for normal users to let users save the pattern only on their own profile? As a color variation.
For moderators the button should ofcourse still overwrite the original pattern to be able to improve the pattern.
It can also be a new button, but if I speak for myself, the screenshots work just fine :-)

The problem was, and still is, that if users can load existing patterns, they can also easily change it and save as a new pattern. Which will often be too similar to the original pattern.......

We used to have two different generators. Could that also be an option? One for making new patterns, one for only changing colors and preferably saving that variation to the user profile.
Or make some kind of bypass, where you can only ‘save to the profile page’ after having imported an existing pattern?

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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Passing on the ideas, do you think it could be this way? :

In the first instance: On the page of each pattern a "color change" button that leads to a modified version of the generator where none of the "save" buttons are enabled (this can be the same for all because the moderators we would still have the original version to modify patterns). In this way users could change colors without saving existing patterns and take screenshots of them to save on their devices as was done before.

In a second stage: enable in this new version of the generator a button that allows the users to store the color variations that they made in their own profile (I suppose that will have to be studied since it must take up space on the server) or, failing that, that allow them to download that variation to their device (sometime some user suggested it).

Ultimately, we would have the original generator that would continue to work as before and with the current permissions and we would have a "generator for color change" that would work without the "save" buttons.
Would something like that be possible?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Nicolas: Is it possible to limit the total amount of pending kumihimo patterns? There are 117 pending now, and they are all made recently.... And most of them will be rejected anyway. I can’t handle this, especially when patterns keep coming in!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Also: They are almost all made by 1 user, on the same day! Our generator was always limited to 10 per 24 hours per user. What happened with that limit? And is it possible for you to reject them all at once? At least all of the patterns made by emily1. If not, I have to go one by one .......

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Ok, so I'll update the website with the fix I mentionned to solve the problem of "unable to edit the pattern". Note that'll I'll push it on the privatebeta first as I had to update an important library (for resizing & saving images). I just want to make sure everything works fine on the server before putting it "in production".

Regarding the possibility to change colors I think what Celicia mentionned (the 2 versions) would be the easiest way to implement the change. I should have more time tonight. After deploying the fix on privatebeta I'll take a look at this.

@kleinevos : no problem, I'll make a script to reject all the submitted kumi made by emily1. I should be able to do it tonight too (or in the next days top).

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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I just deployed the fix.

It should solve the problem we had when trying to edit some patterns (ex: this should work now).

I also rejected all the kumi that were made by the same user (pending in the task list).

I'll start to take a look at what "allowing users to launch the editor and change colors without being able to save" involves. I'm pretty sure I won't have the time to make any additional change to the website tonight, but I'll keep you posted.


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