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RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Some new kumihimo patterns don’t have images at all, and they don’t have thumbnails too. So they are close to impossible to check, because all thumbnails (on the kumihimo search lists) have a different orientation than the pattern images on the pages for a single kumihimo pattern....

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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@Nicholas. One user reported that when trying to record a pattern he got a "can't connect to server" message.
Personally I tried to save, overwrite a pattern from the generator (kumihimo in this case) and it also gave me the same error ("error connecting to the server")
And I recently tried modifying a normal pattern and when recording it, it returns this message: "Could not connect to the server".
When I try to save a new pattern, I get the message "Could not connect to server", but the pattern is saved anyway.
Modifications to existing patterns are not saved.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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And are new accounts still coming in, Cecilia? Every time I open the mod checklist there’s not even one new account to check.....

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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That caught my attention, at least since yesterday I have not verified any.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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So we have a real problem .......

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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I think we can stop checking patterns as long as Nicolas doesn’t fix things here. The latest submitted patterns do not have images at all. I can see the patterns in the generator, but I can’t bring the image back on the pattern page.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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I agree Lonike.
A query: We have had problems for at least 4 days, is there any other way to contact Nicolás to inform him? I say this because perhaps he is not entering the site and did not know what is happening, I think the problem is important.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Yes, I’ll send an email. But in my opinion a webmaster should check in regularly himself to check if everything is okay..... We have had this same problem with Stefan. He said he was going to build a whole new site and he kept saying that for so many years that some moderators left for that reason. There’s only one webmaster, if he’s not active enough we will keep having issues we as moderators can’t solve.
I thought it would get better, with the new site and all, but it looks like it isn’t. We should have more than one webmaster. And we need webmasters who are more involved. And people have offered to help, but they never got a chance.
Since BraceletBook has a new website I only see BraceletBook patterns on social media, barely anyone is talking about our site anymore. I don’t mind if it’s a bit more quiet around here, but right now it looks like we’re going down and that would be a shame........

RE : Private Beta - New website by AZClaire 3 years ago

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It seems that it works now, I can see the thumbnails in the checklist.
Indeed, I also see that braceletbook is more popular on social media :(

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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It's supposed to be like that! I think that when one of us decides to join a project (in this case in the role of Webmaster or moderators) we are assuming the responsibility of complying with the group of colleagues, sometimes with more or less time but being present, and trying to maintain the site and, as far as possible, make it evolve. Nicolas has not responded to inquiries on this forum for over a month, not even to let us know that he read it even though he was unable to resolve the issues. I feel like we are abandoned and unfortunately we are letting this site get lost, it's a shame ...I also had high expectations with the new site, but a few months have passed and problems appear much more often than before and the to-do list is longer and longer...


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