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Tips and problems while tying

thread name replies author views last post
Whats the difference between alpha patterns and normal patterns?
I just dont get it, do alpha patterns require different knots? What are they exactly? Are the still
1 InSomNiaC 2219 14 years ago
by moushtie
Hemp Bracelets
does anyone know a really great Hemp bracelet site? i want to start making them but i dont know any
7 K8e92 1616 14 years ago
by K8e92
For some reason i am just having a lot of trouble creating these bracelets please help and give advi
0 tim 673 14 years ago
by tim
tying the knot
Why do all my friends bracelets that i make fall off?
3 tayloranne 1430 14 years ago
by Suri
beginning/ending bracelets
Quick question; I noticed on some of the photos in the gallery that not all bracelets are necessaril
4 dreamer 1591 14 years ago
by dreamer
broken string.....NOOOOOOO. Help?
I'm in the middle of a really cool bracelet and I broke a string......what do I do?? Please help me.
4 fafa 1125 14 years ago
by fafa
Pattern #4041 help!
Hey, I'm kind of new to making bracelets and all, and this pattern is really frustrating me. (Nothin
4 vivalamusic 952 14 years ago
by vivalamusic
Using a loom for larger patterns?
Is that what people do for those larger patterns? Because I can't fathom how you can do that free ha
1 omg_lyssa 891 14 years ago
by tayloranne
Alpha Pattern 20 HELP!!!!!
well i was looking at alpha pattern 20 (strawberry) and it said u need 13 threads. well i counted an
1 PeaceLoveSmile 810 14 years ago
by moushtie
How to Read patterns.
I am new and i am used to foward and backward knots and i understand they are the same. But when you
14 horsingaround 5063 14 years ago
by horsingaround

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