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RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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I gave her a new password and that worked.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Nicolas, we have an other user who tried the ‘forgotten password’ and it failed again. I have sent her a new password by now, but can you have a look at it? It’s unnecessary extra work for us .....

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Nicolas: I just noticed that on the generator page of the kumihimo generator it says that it’s a ‘kimihimo generator’. Can you correct the spelling?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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And posting the above gave me the error page again.... While at the same time it has the green banner that says that the comment is saved.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Nicolas: We have problems with the saving of new patterns and pattern updates are also not working. Can you fix that please?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Pattern saving & image generation is now fixed. I updated missing images. If I missed any, just click on "update pattern images" and that should fix it.

@kleinevos :

Regarding the password reset, I think the issue is that some people don't go take a look in their spam folder. I've tried to reproduce the issue multiple since the first time the issue was mentioned but it was always without success... You can check on your side if you have any problem let me know. Also, if you have any hint about what's happening when users contact you that would help. Is is that they don't receive the email? Is it an error page when they access the website?

For the spelling mistake I'll update it shortly (will be done tonight).

Can you send me a screenshot of the error page you get? It's only an error "message box" that you get or is it a full error page with more information? It happened when posting the forum reply? It can be related to the notification generation, which could explain why the reply was successfully posted but a part of the server processing created an error. Let me know I'll investigate. If error is not systematic, that would help me a lot to have the content of the message (that could be the source of the problem - if it can be in the screenshot that'd be perfect).

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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@kleinevos : I realize I've been a bit too technical with my explanation about the "forum reply error" you got. Here's what happens on some pages where you can submit content (example the forum reply submit) : the main action is executed and "saved", then some less important actions are performed. If something bad happens during the less important actions, you're likely to get an error message. However, since the main action was successfully completed, you'll see it (ex: forum reply visible in thread).

That's why I asked how the error message was presented (and ideally what was the message posted). It'll help me diagnose what happened and what caused the error.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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This is what user Narjes posted in the guestbook:
Hi! thank you so much for your help. the reset password worked actually and I changed my password but still couldn't log in even with my previous email address and got the error of invalid log in attempt.

She did this after I changed her email address. After this failed attempt I made a new password for her and sent it to her per moderator email. That password worked. So her problem is solved by now.
But it should have been fixed after the use of the ‘forgotten password’ .

The error page is not always for me. It didn’t give a pop-up, if I remember it right. It gave a page that said that the message was not saved (while it saved correctly). I didn’t make a screenshot, but I will next time it happens.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Spelling mistake is now fixed for kumihimo (kimihimo).

Thanks a lot for the precision about the password reset. Yes, there are some anomalies with the email change and with what you told me I'm 100% sure that's the root cause of the password reset issue. I was aware of some problems when people changed email, but I didn't know it affected the password reset. I'll try to take a look into this this week.

FYI - The new layout progresses (slowly but surely). I keep investing at least a few hours a week on it.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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The problem when user change email should be fixed now. To summarize : there are two fields where email is stored. One is used for email & communications (this one was changed correctly before the fix) and the other one information is used as a user identifier (when you login & other things to identify the user). Both field contain the email address, but only the first one was modified when we changed the email of a user.

Now I've found 9 users that have two different information in those fields. If we simply update their information to match, they'll need to be informed before we do. At the moment, they need to login with the email that was not correctly updated. I was thinking about sending them an email and then fixing their profile, but I'm afraid some of them just do read the email and then think their account don't work on the website. Let me know if you have a better idea...

Note : Exceptionally, for those 9 users, you'll need to first enter a fake email before updating their email from the "manage user" admin page. So for example, if you want to update Sarjaky's email (see below), you'll need to first change her email to "" then re-enter "". For all other users, just changing the email will work.


Here are the 9 users with a mismatch between the two "email" fields. Information below is presented like this :
1) Email (the one used when an email is sent to the user - ex: password reset - this email should be the most up to date)
2) Username (the one used for login - this one was not updated before the fix i just made so it should be the old email)
3) User's alias (nickname)


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