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RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

Yes @Nicolas! I am trying to accept the image from this user rojocharmander and it gives me an error. It only happens to me with this user since I have accepted other photos and other profile information without problems at the same time. I don't know what it could be, I tried it several times. I couldn't post the screenshot, sorry. When I press the "send" button, instead of giving me the green line that says ok, it gives me a pink line with the legend "The specified condition was not met for 'Email'."

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

Hi Celicia,

In fact, I have the same error. It seems I forgot to add the reason why the validation failed (that's why it says it fails but doesn't provide any detail). After checking the code, it looks like this user has the same email address as an other user. I'm a bit surprised it was possible in the first place. I'll check to get more information tomorrow.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

I'm currently working on the "view pattern" page in the new layout and I was wondering : what's the main reason you "view the detail" of a pattern (I mean from the pattern list what makes you click on pattern)? I guess often you'll click to do admin stuff... But what do you think is the main reason for our users?

It might sound like a weird question, but I made some improvements in the "browse patterns" page. Preview image is much bigger, we'll see main keywords, etc. (I took a "tile" approach similar to what BB uses). Now that I'm working on the "view pattern page" I feel like there isn't much "new" information. The top of the page feels like repeating the same information summarized in the browse patterns page... We sure have the knots instructions and some gizmos (greyscale pattern image, links, comments, etc.). But I'm asking myself : "What would make it worth clicking often for our users"?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

Another important question...

At the moment, our pattern search is separated by pattern type. I mean, we have 3 different pages to search : normal patterns, alpha and kumi. I plan on merging all the patterns in a single page when the new layout will be ready (and still give the user the option to filter a given type). That's a lot of work (migrating & unifying the data) but I think the general experience will be much better.

Do you see any problem doing so?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

First of all: I like that we have the patterns separately. Wouldn’t it also be hard to merge them while some have the same pattern number? I don’t see any advantage in merging them. You either want a normal, or an alpha or a kumihimo, so why search in a big pile of everything?

I don’t exactly get what you mean by why people click on a pattern. The most obvious reason is that they want to go to the pattern, to be able to knot the pattern. And/or view or give comments under the pattern.
The tumbnail also shows less of the pattern than the image above the actual pattern. That might also be a reason: To get a better idea of what the pattern looks like.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply!

From my point of view, having a centralized place where any pattern can be found has some advantages. For people who are new to the website, it'll give them a glimpse of all the kind of patterns that can be found in a single page. I agree that the buttons to jump to the other types of patterns (alpha & kumi) are easy to spot, but I still think that's a good way to make the "promotion" of the types of patterns that are not shown by default.

I can understand that most regular users will look after a specific pattern, but they would be 1 click away from the other type of pattern (which is the case right now, but filters are lost if you switch between patterns type). So from a usability perspective, "merging patterns" has no impact... In the end, if the consensus is to not display mixed patterns and only present 1 category at the time, it can be controlled very easily. It's just what I could call "added flexibility" in the end.

The last reason why I am interested in this "merge" is that I think alpha patterns have a lot of potential to grow in popularity on the website, but at the same time I don't want them to become the default setting (because we have a lot of great normal patterns). So I like the idea of showing all patterns while presenting a filter so chose the type easily...


Regarding "click on a pattern" - I think you've got good point with "to get a better idea of what the pattern looks like". This would be a good reason for the number of "view pattern detail" pages visited is high (it's about 1/3rd of the total pages viewed on the website if I remember correctly)...

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

@Celicia : Problem should now be solved with the user picture approval!

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

I agree with @Kleinevos, I think it is better to have separate searches. I believe that each user, even if they are new, is oriented to a type of pattern and this type of search is much simpler since it is more ordered. There are people who only want one type of pattern and that is what their search is aimed at. The new user investigates the options on the site and chooses what he is interested in. I don't think most regular users like such a change. Personally I don't like the BB format.
What the users actually claim is to have other functions such as being able to download the chosen pattern to their device and also the pattern to which the colors were modified without the need to take a screenshot, through a simple click. I don't know how difficult that is to do but it would be good for them.
Another way would be that they could save in their profile (and only for themselves) the patterns with modified colors but this would take up a lot of space on the server I suppose (I think the first option would be the best).
Another thing they claim is a button that allows them to print the pattern.

Thank you @Nicolas, the problem was solved.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

And to add about your idea of making alpha patterns more popular: An alpha pattern is just a pixelated image. There are many, many of these images everywhere on the internet. As perler bead patterns, as cross stitch patterns, as diamond paint images, etc. I think our site should be about things that are not too widely spread, like good normal and kumihimo patterns and instructions on how to make them. Alphas are getting more popular anyway, that doesn’t depend on how they are displayed here, I think. And many people specialize in one or the other, like Celicia said.
I agree on what you say about still having the option of selecting one type by one simple click, but I still prefer what we have now over what BB has. It’s more ordered in my opinion.

What we had on our old site was the ability of searching on keywords in the main search button on top of the page, which allowed people to see all three kinds of patterns plus tutorials etc. as result of their search. That way search options where not lost in the switch between pattern types.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

Good, I'll make sure the new layout brings a behavior close to what we have at the moment!


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