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RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

I think that identifying the shorter/longer side when saving could be done. We would just have to agree on a ratio to "tolerate" because I guess that patterns which are relatively square should probably knotted as they are created even if their horizontal side is wider. I mean, if a pattern is 24x22, if feel it's likely people will knot it with 24 strings and make 22 rows (maybe not, let me know)? So, first question would be : should there be some tolerance when saving the pattern to decide what (horizontal side or vertical side) becomes string/rows or should be always take the shorter side to decide?

I think the patterns in the list should be presented in the same orientation that was used in the creation though (we should not flip them even if it would make the list page "more uniform"). What I had in mind was to only change the "rows/strings" information displayed in the "view page" based on the patterns dimensions when it was saved. I understand long vertical patterns kind of break the list alpha page, but I think it'll be much less appealing to have patterns showed sideways and other in their normal position. For example, if I understand correctly, you would want A72216 to be presented sideways in the list page (wider than its height)? I think this would in fact make space allocated to each pattern in the list more uniform, but at the high cost of not having them all presented the same way... Also, I expect the new layout will solve a big part of the problem in the list page (it will make the space for alpha patterns much more uniform).

Lastly, if I save those patterns as flipped (the images - for the list pattern page), we would need to manually identify which ones need to be flipped back once the new design is in place (given the new design really solves the problem)...

Let me know what you think.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

I think we don’t need the tolerance ratio if we can still rotate patterns after saving. In alphas anyone can decide how to knot the (almost) square patterns, vertical or horizontally. That’s a personal choice. And on the pattern page both orientations are presented. If the new design allows patterns to be vertical in the pattern list we probably don’t need much changes, because creators can decide how they make the pattern. I’d still prefer to call all shorter sides strings though, because we are a bracelet site.

So, to recall: You can program the generator so that the shorter side always represents ‘strings’ after the pattern is saved. The orientation of the pattern in the pattern list can be the same as in the generator. Moderators are still able to turn patterns after they are saved, but the ‘strings’/‘rows’ will be fixated, they will not swap sides when turning the pattern.

Two things:
-For older patterns: Will the shorter sides be ‘strings’ for older patterns or is the information fixated after this change? In that case we will have many older patterns where the longer side will be called ‘strings’.
- We will have a pattern list that might be better in the way that patterns are always presented in the most appealing way (no head-turning), but some will have ‘strings’ horizontal and some others ‘vertical’. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad …… It might not be a problem, it’s just something that will be different from how it is now.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

Nicolas: Is it possible to improve this?
forum-saving patterns for own use

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago


Sorry for the delay I had a crazy week. I finally was able to fix the alpha generator (not that it was broken, but the latest changes needed some improvements). The generator now talks in terms of "width" and "height" which I think make sense when the user is designing the pattern. I also changed the logic when we look at a pattern (the number of strings is always the smaller side in the "view alpha pattern" page).

Regarding the request to be able to save patterns for our own use that's a big change. Different types of patterns are all managed differently, so that would mean 3 different developments if it's done before the "plumbing" is done at the data level (merging patterns at the data level doesn't mean changing the way they are presented or the way the website works, it's all about how the data is stored and making some changes easier to make). It also has impact everywhere: search, pattern security/visibility, newsfeed, approval, etc. That's a really big task to do at the moment. I don't say no, but there are some things to do before getting into this feature.

@kleinevos : I'll reply to the post you linked - I just wanted to give enough details here so that mods can understand the "why".

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

Thanks, Nicolas :-)

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 2 years ago

@Nicolas: the reports from the pattern pages do not work, can it be solved?
I try to send one and gives the message "Opsss ...."

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

@Celicia : I just tried all report buttons at the top of the page 3 different kind of patterns (normal, alpha, kumi). All of them worked for me. Maybe it's a specific pattern that causes the error? Were you logged in when you tried to report? Did you use a different link than the one in the gray "ribbon" at the top of the "view pattern" page?

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 2 years ago

@Nicolas: I used the "report" button which is between "add video" and "add favorite" in the gray menu. Now I tried all three patterns again and the same error occurred. I tried many patterns, old and new, but it is the same. I was logged and conected while I was testing. (If important, I was using an Android phone)

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

It’s the same for me on my iPad.
When trying to submit the report I get a pop-up:

Oups... Something went wrong with the action you tried to do. Please try again later and let moderators know if the problem persists.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

It might be browser specific. I was using chrome when I tested, that would explain why I don't have any problem on my side. I'll try to reproduce the problem and get back to you.


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