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RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

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Hi all, it should be fixed!

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 2 years ago

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@Nicolas: I am trying to reduce the rows of a pattern and when I want to save it I get the error that the generator only accepts repeating patterns. The color order is correct. The pattern is #109391. Could you see it? Thank you

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I noticed that the greens were a different shade. It’s solved now :-)

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 2 years ago

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@Nicolas: when I do a search by name it doesn't show me the posts in the forums. Example AN_ASTA_SIIA who has at least two entries at the end
from the forum "Users who copy patterns II". Could you take a look at it? Thank you!

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 2 years ago

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@Nicolas we continue with the problem that I reported to you 15 days ago, could you take a look at it? It is very difficult to work like this! Lonike and I are overloaded and these things don't help us. Thank you!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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And can you also fix the zooming out of the normal generator where people can change colors of an existing pattern? It’s not user friendly now …. See

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

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For the search, it should be finding the result. I have an idea what could cause that. I'll take a look and get back to you.

For the zooming out in the pattern generator, I could reduce the size of the knots and strings, but if I scale it so that the whole pattern is visible the generator will become unusable for big patterns (strings and knots indications will be so small you won't be able to see them). What would you suggest to make it better? Or a better question might be: what's the maximum size I should allow before forcing the horizontal scrollbar?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

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I have found the issue with the forum search. I'll wait until the weekend to deploy the fix on the website because what I had to change might have an impact and I want to have some free time to fix the website if something goes wrong after deployment.

For the generator I'll wait to have your input before changing anything.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year

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We never had that horizontal scrollbar, so I’m curious to see how small the arrows will be if you take that out completely. I don’t remember having problems with small arrows before (I think I just enlarged it on my ipad screen, which worked for me) and after submitting the pattern it will also be just one, non-scrollable image. It causes the most problems when people want to re-color an existing pattern through the generator for their own use, and can’t screenshot that pattern in one take. So they don’t have to be able to see the arrows before printing the re-colored pattern. Does that make sense?
A solution could be that saving re-colored existing patterns will be allowed again, but to a different spot on our site. Either to the profile page or to a separate pattern page. This has the advantage that people can see it in our usual pattern format too. And BraceletBook has something similar and people are used to that.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

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@kleinevos I made some tests. It still needs some adjustments, but you'll get what I mean with the "pattern getting too small". With the settings I used in the screenshots below, it makes the picture fit the space available (so knots get smaller and smaller as you add strings). After 50+ strings you can't really see/use the generator as knots are getting too small.

Let me know if you think that's an improvement...

Original :

What the new behavior could be (note that this only starts to scale down when there's enough strings to require a scale down) ;


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