
was donated
RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year

I never have that many, so that should be fine!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year

Nicolas: Lately we have a lot of new users that use our site (mainly the alpha generator) for crochet. And now a user wants to add a tutorial for crochet bracelets. We’ve had similar issues before, with loombands and with bead-bracelets. Can you edit at least our TOU (and possibly the text on the homepage) to tell people that our site is meant for knotted items and kumihimo and not for other crafts?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

@kleinevos yes no problem I'll update TOU. Should be done during this weekend.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year


RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

Updated TOU. See point #7 in the section about reasons for rejecting patterns :

"The pattern is not meant for knotted items or kumihimo. For example patterns for loombands, bead-bracelets or crochet bracelets."

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year

Sounds good! One more thing:This should also apply to the tutorials, not only patterns made by using our generators.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year

Nicolas: Can you fix this bug? See this guestbook question
Kumihimo pictures are not shown via the according pattern, because the amount of uploaded pictures isn’t updated after a picture is accepted. Thus the number also doesn’t become clickable…..

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

I answered to the guestbook. Should not be a big issue to fix, but I'll need to investigate.

Regarding the previous comment I'll update TOU to include the tutorials. I need to publish a new version of the website to update this text so I'll do it at the same time I fix the issue with photo count.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 last year

I was able to fix it tonight. It's updated now!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos last year



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