
was donated
RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 6 months ago

Yes, I think we should check less thoroughly. Not because that’s a good thing for our site, but because we can’t keep checking like we do now. I honestly think our site is more or less doomed to become only a pattern library if we can’t find new moderators. And since it’s so quiet in the forum that we can’t get to know people, we can’t ask new moderators to join…..
Everyone is on BraceletBook nowadays and they will not come back any time soon, I think.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 6 months ago

And when did you deploy the update, Nicolas? I just saw a spam message posted 3 hours ago and some 15 hours ago. So after your comment here.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 6 months ago

Oh, only the 3 hours ago post was after your comment…

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 6 months ago

@Nicolas, although you implemented the new feature only a couple of days ago, it seems to be working, the only messages with URLs that have passed are written in Russian. Is there a way to add the rule that if messages are in Russian they will not be displayed?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 6 months ago

Hi! The language doesn't have an impact. The new "rule" makes sure that nothing that looks like an link is present in the message based on a sequence that would look like "" (please don't explain this on the forum as this could lead to new spam that avoid this rule).

The only reason why the russian massage was not blocked is that the domain uses a special character that's not supported by the rule. I think it's better to keep this rule as simple as possible (and occasionnaly see a spam go through), because if it's too strict it might end up blocking non spam messages.

It's been a week since the fix was deployed and the Russian message seems to be the only spam that got published so that's good news :)!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 5 months ago

Nicolas, can you have a look at this? Some thumbnails of pending patterns are missing and when I want to update generator images is gives an error-message (updating failed).

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 5 months ago

Hi, it should be fixed by now. The thumbnails that are in error will likely need to be regenerated though.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 5 months ago

Okay, thanks!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 months ago

Nicolas: Can you fix the server issues? We’re missing thumbnails of new submitted patterns and updating gives an error-message.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 months ago

Hi, problem fixed & all missing thumbnails were regenerated. =)


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