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RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

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Hi all!

I fixed the "latest activity" problem (deleted threads aren't shown anymore but you need to make sure all posts are deleted otherwise it'll still show).

Also, I applied the changes suggested by klenevos in the alpha pattern view page and in the generator. Let me know if there's any problem :)!

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I don’t know what you changed exactly, but for example this one A72199
It’s shown horizontal on the list of alpha patterns, which is okay, but the pattern says 24 strings and 12 rows, instead of the other way around….. The pattern is also turned on the page of that particular pattern. That’s not a bad thing, but could that have caused the wrong switch of string/row amount?

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I meant this pattern:

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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And the generator still says ‘col’ and ‘row’

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I think the row/string is now fixed, instead of depending on how the pattern is orientated. If I turn a pattern it doesn’t switch strings and rows anymore. It should switch.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I meant fixated, not fixed …….

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

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@kleinevos : You're right about the generator, I changed the buttons behavior but I forgot to change the name of "col +/-" to "string +/-". This should be an easy fix.

In this update I haven't touched the rotation code and looking at it I can confirm there's nothing that "inverts" strings and rows values when you rotate CW or CCW with the links in the view alpha pattern page...

When you mentioned strings/cols should be inverted in the view alpha pattern page, did you meant systematically or only for the new patterns (once the generator change is made)? Because now they are systematically inverted. The data is not affected so that's an easy change, but it should be fixed ASAP if it's incorrect to avoid confusion with patterns that are currently being created.

Let me know I'll adapt accordingly.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 2 years ago

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More questions... Let's take this example because it's easy to understand how it's viewed and it has very different dimensions (width/height) :

This pattern will be designed by the user in "portrait" mode. Which means it will be bigger vertically than horizontally. From what I understand, when it'll be knotted, most people will make it with 39 strings and 68 rows (which means this pattern will also be knotted "vertically")... At the moment it shows 68 strings and 39 rows which would be wrong from (most) knotting perspective (it should be 39 strings / 68 rows).

With the new changes made to the generator, the user who want to design this pattern would have to click many times on "Col +" (which should be named "String +" in the next update according to what we discussed) to make the design area "68 knots high". This seems counter intuitive because the user will click "add strings" when in reality they really want to add rows... It seems to me that it's like "expecting them" to design the pattern with their head turned 90 degrees to fit the generator's logic in this case. Am I missing something?

Should we instead say, when saving the generated alpha pattern : "the shorter side will represent the number of strings and and longer side the longer side the number of rows"? This way, we keep the buttons named "cols/rows" in the generator which basically would mean "make design zone higher/make design zone wider", but we can present the values that make the most sense for knotting in the "view alpha pattern" page based on the width/height of the final pattern. I hope I express myself correctly.

P.S. : Just make sure you try the alpha generator while reading my explanations as I have changed the buttons logic but I forgot to update the labels...

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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If you could program it like you say, always call the shorter side strings and the longer side rows (after saving) no matter how the pattern was saved by the creator, it would probably fix all of the problems.
The main problems have always been that designing with your head turned 90 degrees isn’t very user friendly while keeping patterns in the list in vertical position is not very nice.
If you could do that, it also doesn’t matter how you call it in the generator. I would prefer the horizontal lines being ‘strings’ in that case.
Turning patterns after saving should still swap the string/row because some older patterns are still in vertical position. And I think it would be confusing if some patterns have the ‘strings’ vertical and others horizontal. In the list of patterns all patterns should have uniform information.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 2 years ago

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Which automatically means that if you program all shorter sides to represent the strings, the patterns should be saved so that the shorter side is top-to-bottom. So some patterns should be turned automatically to keep them all horizontal no matter how they were made.


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