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RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Hi, sorry for the delay. All problems discussed above should be fixed. The donations were all updated and I sent a PM to the one in the guestbook that I wasn't able to identify. Also, I found the little bug that caused the occasional empty page in the forum thread.

Let me know if I missed something.

@kleinevos : Where/when exactly would you like the string/rows to be swapped in alpha patterns? Is it only in the "infos" section when you look at the pattern? From you explanations I felt like it was the image that should also be rotated. It should be an easy fix, I just don't want to cause more trouble by changing the wrong thing.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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For the strings/rows for alpha patterns: I meant the info at the pattern pages. And in the generator what’s called row should be called string and what’s called col should be called row.
Or we should keep al patterns vertical, but all older patterns always needed to be horizontal before accepting. So I think it’s best to keep them all horizontal.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Sammoning 3 years ago

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Heya, I randomly looked in the gallery and see a photo uploaded to a pattern I designed

I'm pretty sure we used to get a notification about this?
Is it missing (un)intentionally? And will that feature be restored at some point?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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@Sammoning : I've just checked the code and there's no notification when someone adds a picture to a pattern (actually to be precise - the news and notifications are sent when the item is accepted by the moderator - but in this case no notifications are sent to the pattern creator when a picture is added). I don't recall if it was removed intentionally or not. It's possible it was intentional and for a technical reason - The notification/news process associated to the approval was complex so maybe I simplified it a bit when migrating the website. Let me know if you think it's worth it to invest some time on it (at least to see if it's not too big of a task to recreate).

@kleinevos : regarding the horizontal pattern, I have been spending some time thinking about it... I don't see any problem changing the "view pattern page". Where I'm unsure is the generator. I want to make sure that we don't have a different way to store the patterns as a result of the change (in the database). Do you think swapping row/cols will affect how people create their pattern? Also when you say "it's best to keep them all horizontal" does it mean that this pattern ( should presented by default like the 2nd picture in the page (wider than it's height)? To me it seems that we should show the "vertical" image in this case...

Sorry for asking so much questions. I just want to make sure we're on the same page before making a change.

RE : Private Beta - New website by kleinevos 3 years ago

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A71991 now says ‘15 strings’ and ‘28 rows’, which makes sense for the one who wants to knot it as a bracelet. The problem is that if all patterns are made and shown vertically on the page where lists of patterns are shown, that page will not look nice. It will show very little patterns because all longer patterns will take a lot of space. As far as I know that’s why we always had to turn them to horizontal.
There was an exception though: Two-colored patterns had an extra pattern grid with arrows, so we had to keep these vertically. But that extra grid is not there anymore, so I think we can keep all patterns horizontally now. Or you should have a solution for the pages where lists of patterns are shown…..
For the generator: I would personally make a pattern as I would knot it: Vertically. So most intuitive would be to automatically sore saved patterns turned.
But if it says ‘strings’ and ‘rows’ instead of ‘cols’ and ‘rows’ it would already help to understand how the pattern is meant to be made.

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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Makes sense! I'll make the changes (hope I didn't forget anything) and I'll find a way to show the result. Regarding the "patterns taking to much space in the pattern list" I prefer to wait for this part as it might be solved with the new design...

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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@Nicolas, this is not a problem with the site, but it would be possible for you to delete the entire forum ? I banned the account of whoever did it and I deleted the posts but I can't delete the forum. Thank you!

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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@Celicia : Is it referenced anywhere in the forum list? Just want to make sure if I need to delete the thread only or if there are some references listed somewhere else... If my question is not clear, this might give me a good hint : how did you get the link to the thread after deleting it?

RE : Private Beta - New website by fb101 3 years ago

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The thread has been renamed, later this week I'll check to update the forum page so the "last activity" link ignores threads that have been deleted.

RE : Private Beta - New website by Celicia 3 years ago

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When I deleted the entries copied the link.
But it caught my attention to see a couple of hours later that there was another entry in the forum. Later I could verify that it was the same person who had made another account and that I suppose he was looking for the forum expressly since it appeared on the list. For that reason I think it would be nice to be able to delete the entire forum, not just the posts when people create one of this type or the spam forums.


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